Emergency Procedures
Avoidance precautions

When someone loses more fluid than they take in

What is dehydration?


Skin and underlying tissues freeze after being exposed to very cold temperatures causing a cold feeling followed by numbness

What are symptoms of Frostbite?


Call 911 or your local emergency number, move to a warmer location or add layers of clothing in the meantime.

What are emergency procedure for Hypothermia?


Remove from cold, remove cold/wet clothing, warm center of body, CPR if non-responsive

What are treatments for hypothermia?


Proper footwear and gloves, reducing exposure to cold and moisture, don't apply direct heat when skin is affected.

What are precautions to take with frostbite?


When the body loses heat faster than it can produce heat and the body temperature falls below 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius

What is hypothermia?


Shivering, though this may stop as body temperature drops. Slurred speech or mumbling. Slow, shallow breathing.Weak pulse. Clumsiness or lack of coordination. Drowsiness or very low energy. Confusion or memory loss. Loss of consciousness. In infants, bright red, cold skin.

What are symptoms of hypothermia?


Seek medical care if seemingly infected. Signs of infection include expanding skin color changes, increasing pain, pus or warm skin.

What are emergency procedures for blisters?


Avoid removing skin entirely, drain excess fluid, apply antibiotics, cover with bandage

What are treatments for a blister?


Layer well, reduce exposure to cold, do not rewarm too quickly, do not give alcohol or cigarettes. 

What are things to avoid when dealing with hypothermia?


Raised skin filled with clear fluid

What is a blister?


Fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) or greater. Changes in mental status or behavior, such as confusion, agitation and slurred speech. Hot, dry or moist skin. Nausea and vomiting. Flushed skin. Rapid pulse. Rapid breathing. Headache. Fainting. 

What are symptoms of Heat Stroke?


call 911 or your local emergency number. Then move the person out of the heat right away

What are emergency procedure for Heat Stroke?


Place into cool water, fanning, cool ice packs, perform CPR if unconscious.

What are treatments for Heat Stroke?


Wear properly fitted shoes, apply tape to certain areas, suitable gloves

What are preventative measures for blisters?


When body temperature rises quickly and one cannot cool down.

What is Heat Stroke?


They may complain of headaches and lightheadedness. Dry mouth, eyes and lips. Passing only infrequent amounts of darker urine. Have muscle cramps

What are symptoms of dehydration?


Call 911 or your local emergency number if the affected person faints, becomes agitated, is confused, is not able to drink.

What are emergency procedures for Heat Exhaustion?


Remove from cold environment, gradually reheat, remove items that may affect circulation, protect skin from further damage

What are treatments for frostbite?


Remain hydrated at all times, carry a water bottle around when doing any warm activities.

What are preventative measures for dehydration?

Heat-related syndromes varying in seriousness, ranging from mild to possibly life-threatening

What is Heat Exhaustion?


Cool, moist skin with goose bumps when in the heat. Heavy sweating. Faintness. Dizziness. Fatigue. Weak, rapid pulse. Low blood pressure after standing up. Muscle cramps. Nausea or vomiting. Headache. Extreme thirst. Mild confusion. Decreased urine output.

What are symptoms of Heat Exhaustion?


Seek emergency care by dialing 911 for:Intense pain to the touch of skin even after taking a pain reliever and rewarming, intense shivering slurred speech, drowsiness, trouble walking.

What are emergency procedures for Frostbite?


Sit down and rest, consume fluids, avoid caffeine and alcohol

What are treatments for dehydration?


Wearing a hat, proper hydration, reducing exposure to heat, consuming electrolytes

What are preventative measures for heatstroke?