This is a fabric strip with adhesive on one side, used to cover small cuts.
If someone has passed out, you should NEVER do this.
slap them, shake them, splash water on their face, force them to sit up, give them anything to drink, CROWD THEM, move them if you suspect a spinal injury, or leave them unattended if they are not regaining consciousness quickly
True or False: You should tilt your head back if you have a nosebleed.
False, doing so causes the blood to flow down your throat, which could lead to choking or nausea.
Dizziness, nausea, and a rapid pulse are common signs of this heat-related illness.
Heat exhaustion
This common over-the-counter medication can reduce fever or relieve minor pain.
Ibuprofen, Advil
This device can be used to take someone's temperature in an emergency.
If someone is having a seizure, you should never do this.
Hold them down/move them or put something in their mouth.
True or False: You should pour hydrogen peroxide directly into an open wound to disinfect it.
False, Doing so can actually damage healthy tissue and slow down the healing process; instead, clean wounds with mild soap and water.
Sudden, severe chest pain that spreads to the arm or jaw is a classic symptom of this emergency.
Heart attack
This spray or gel is used to relieve pain and disinfect scrapes or burns.
Antiseptic Spray/Gel
This small tool is included for removing splinters or debris from wounds.
If someone is in shock, you should lay them down and do this.
Elevate their legs
If someone is in shock, you should raise their legs above their heart.
True, doing so improves blood flow to the brain, heart, and lungs.
Confusion, cold skin, and slow breathing are signs of this life-threatening condition.
For an allergic reaction with swelling and difficulty breathing, you would administer this injectable medication.
This roll of fabric is used to hold dressings in place or support sprains.
Gauze Roll
This technique is used if someone is choking and cannot breathe or speak.
Heimlich Maneuver
Ice should be applied directly to a burn to cool it quickly.
False, it can further damage the skin and mess up the healing process; instead, cool the burn with cool running water immediately after the injury.
Facial drooping, arm weakness, slurred speech, drooling.
If someone has a sunburn, you should apply this type of lotion for relief.
Calamine lotion, Aloe vera, or moisturizing lotion.
This item is used to clean wounds and prevent infection.
Antiseptic Wipe
For a minor sprain, use this 4-step method.
R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
True or False: For a bee sting, scraping the stinger out is better than using tweezers.
True, using tweezers can squeeze the venom sac and release more venom into the skin, worsening the reaction.
Swelling and discoloration after a fall or blow could indicate this type of injury.
Fracture or sprain
For mild dehydration, this type of solution is better than plain water.
Electrolyte solution