Name 3 important First Aid kit items:
Answers will vary; bandages, dressings, roller gauze, pens, scissors, medical tape, safety pins, splints, alcohol wipes, dextrose, tweezers, gloves, triangular bandages
Can you give a person any medication if you think they are having a stroke?
Can you use an AED on ice or snow?
What should you do before handing someone their medication?
Read the label (6 rights).
How long should you cool a burn?
10-20 minutes
Name 3 programs that the Canadian Red Cross runs.
Meals on Wheels
Disaster Management
Friendly Calls
What does FAST stand for?
Face Arm Speech Time
What is the correct number of compressions to breaths?
What should you do after someone self-administers their epinephrine auto-injector?
1. Keep them comfortable
2. Monitor their breathing
3. Rub the injection site for 30 seconds
Name the one time when you CAN remove an impalement.
When it is stopping you from giving care for an immediately life-threatening condition.
Name 5 hazards to check for.
Fire, Wire, Gas, Glass, Major bleeding, Angry bystanders...
Name 5 heart attack symptoms.
Nausea, Colour change, Sweaty, Flu-like symptoms, Denial, Extreme fatigue, Chest pain, Jaw pain, Back pain, Arm pain, Abnormal breathing…
Where do you place the AED pads for a baby?
Front and back
What might trigger an asthma attack?
Answers will vary; Allergens, Exercise, Cold, Excitement…
Name 3 things that could cause an ear injury
Answers will vary; A loud noise, An impact to the head, An explosion, An object in the ear…
What is the name of the law that protects first aiders?
Good Samaritan Act, 2005
What medication can you give to someone you think is experiencing a heart attack?
When is it unsafe to administer a shock from an AED?
Someone is touching the person or the person is in water.
What signs tell you if a persons airway is partially blocked vs. fully blocked when choking?
Full: the person cannot cough, talk, or they're making a whistling noise
What should you do if blood soaks through a bandage that you’ve applied to control life-threatening external bleeding?
Apply another dressing and bandage on top of the first one.
When caring for an ill or injured person, you must...
Give only the care you are trained to provide.
A person with life-threatening internal bleeding may be thirsty, can you give them water?
After repositioning the head, rescue
breaths still do not go in. What do you do?
Do 30 chest compression and then look into the person’s mouth
Which of the following situations
requires you to call 911 for an asthma attack?
The person does not improve after taking their medication.
Which of the following can cause a person to have blood in his or her saliva or vomit?
Life-threatening internal bleeding