Unusual sounds
Unusual odors
Unusual sights
Unusual behaviors
What are signs of an emergency?
If a person if unconscious it is _____ consent
What is implied
Use only _____ fingers going ______ inches deep on an infant for chest compressions
What is two figures and one half
Nuts, seeds, peanut butter, popcorn, and raw vegetables are all signs of...
What are chocking hazards?
An illness that come quickly and last for a short time
What is an acute illness
Someone who is unresponsive, confused, or mentally impaired may not be able to grant consent. In these cases the assumes the person would give consent if he or she were able to do so.
What is implied consent?
A small, portable computerized device that allows a minimally trained bystander to provide defibrillation much faster than EMS.
What is an AED?
Occurs when blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked.
What is a heart attack?
Stand behind the person and place your hands around their wait with your hands over their belly button. You will thrust upwards which each thrust being separate from the last.
What are abdominal thrusts?
An illness that a person live with on a daily basis and often requires treatment to help manage
What is a chronic illness
Before giving first aid, you must ______ from the injured or ill person.
What is obtained consent?
Opening eyes, moaning, and moving are all signs a person is
What is responsive?
Occurs when the heart stops beating or can not effectively pump blood to the brain and other vital organs.
What is Cardiac Arrest?
Place one arm across the persons chest and have them bend at the waist as close to parallel with the ground as possible. Firmly stick the person between their shoulder blades with your other hand.
What are back blows?
Breathing faster and shallower than normal
What is hyperventilation
Laws that protect responders who act in the way a "reasonable and prudent" person would act.
What is Good Samaritan Laws?
Check for responsiveness and breathing for no more than _____ seconds
What is 5 to 10?
A basic CPR skill that creates increased pressure in the chest cavity and direct compression of the heart. This forces blood to move from the chest to the lungs, brain, and rest of the body
What are chest compressions?
You give _____ back blows followed by _____ abdominal thrusts.
What is five
Absence of breathing
What is respiratory arrest
Harmful microorganisms that can cause diseases
What are Pathogens?
What does the mnemonic SAMPLE stand for?
What is Signs, Allergies, Medications, Past medical history, Last meal, Events leading up to
The recommended technique to open and maintain the airway of an unresponsive person.
What is Head Tilt-Chin Lift?
What are chocking hazards
A severe life threatening reaction to a substance due to an allergy
What is anaphylaxis