What do you check by placing your fingers to the side of the neck?
In cases of strong unstoppable bleeding you should immediately call for an .........................
What is a burn usually caused by in the kitchen?
Hot pot, oven, cooker.
What should you do if bleeding doesn´t stop?
Call for medical help.
What do you treat first? Blocked airways or a broken arm?
Blocked airways
A in ABC of resuscitaion stands for .............
To clean around the cut you apply ...................
Which is caused by wet heat? burn/scald
What do you use to cover a small wound?
A plaster
We use non-slip mats, helmet for biking, wrist guards, knee pads, elbow pads to prevent ............
B in ABC of resuscitation stands for ........
Choose the correct option:
In case of nosebleed the casualty should sit down and lean forward/backward.
Which is caused by dry heat? burn/scald
What do you apply on a wound to clean the area?
To know if your bone is broken, you must have an ........
The passage between the mouth, nose and throat, which must be opened and unblocked and kept open is called .......
What should you use to apply pressure directly on the bleeding part?
A sterile pad / a clean cloth
What is the first step you should do in case of a burn?
Hold the area under cool running water.
When a part of the body is injured and blood from the damaged capillaries (small blood vessels) leaks out, we call it a .................?
A bruise
In case of an open fracture we also must stop ...........
You expand the casualty´s ................. by breathing air into them using mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
What can help when stronger bleeding of a limb occurs before you find medical help?
Lifting the wounded limb into the air.
What should you do with a seriously burnt area before transporting to the hospital?
Cover with clean, non- fluffy material
To wrap a wound after a cut we use a ...........
What should you do if you think a leg is broken before transporting the person to hospital?
You support and steady the leg.