Sudden Emergencies
Environmental Illness
Hodge Podge

This is what to do if someone having a diabetic emergency doesn't improve within 10 minutes after giving them sugar.

What is:

 call 911/EMS and give them more sugar if they are still able to swallow safely?


Signs & symptoms of heat stroke.

What are: 

hot/dry skin; seizures; coma; rapid/shallow breathing; anxiety; altered behaviour; nausea & vomiting


Care steps for a person with an animal bite.

What is: 

Try to get the person to safety

Treat any puncture wounds

Seek medical attention if the animal is stray or unknown to you, or if you suspect it might have rabies

Watch for signs and symptoms of infection


The steps when helping a person take their medication.

What are: 

Find the medication

Prepare the medication

Guide the person in taking the medication

Give life-saving medication


What to look for if someone might be going into shock.

What is: Anxiety or confusion; 

Cool, clammy, pale skin; 

weakness; excessive thirst; 

rapid breathing; 

drowsiness or loss of responsiveness; 

nausea & vomiting


These are the care steps for someone having a seizure.

What are: 

Call 911

protect the person from injury by moving objects or furniture  

protect the persons head with a soft object?


This environmental emergency can be categorized as mild, moderate or severe.

What is hypothermia?


These are signs that someone is experiencing an opioid poisoning.

What is: 

slowed or no breathing

chest tightness

extreme drowsiness or unresponsiveness

small pupils

needles or pill bottles near by


Name the vital signs we check in the secondary assessment.

What are:

Level of responsiveness




These are the continual care steps.

What is:

Comfortable position or recovery position

Monitor ABC's and overall condition

Comfort & reassure

Keep the person from being too hot or cold


How to recognize a diabetic emergency.

What are:

changes in behaviour

rapid breathing

appearance of intoxication (see page 49 for more).

An environmental emergency that is caused from not wearing sunglasses when you are outdoors in the wintertime.
What is snow blindness?

How to recognize swallowed poisons.

What are:

abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhea?


The steps to remember when rolling a person into the recovery position.

What are:

support the head

roll the person in one unit

roll the person into a position so they will stay safely on one side

check ABC's after completing the roll


This is when to apply a splint or a sling.

What is, when you have to move the person.


Inability to think clearly, concentrate or focus on a task, hallucinations or delusions and obvious lack of motivation could be signs of this sudden medical emergency.

What is a mental health crisis?

Adults:  In Niagara, comprehensive and coordinated crisis response system incorporates mobile teams, safe beds and direct links to mental health and addictions services in our community.  

COAST 866-550-5205 


Youth: Families of youth under 18, living in Niagara that need mental health services, connect with us directly by phone. After speaking with someone your child is then connected with the right mental health treatment plan.

Pathstone 800-263-4944


Canadian Mental Health Association (Niagara branch) offers a variety of programs and services that assist individuals 16 years of age and older, with reaching their short and long-term mental health goals.

Niagara CMHA #: 905-641-5222


These steps will increase heat production and body temperature when a person is cold-stressed.

What is:

reduce heat loss (add dry clothing) 

provide high calorie food or drink 

increase heat production (exercise)?


This poisoning can cause headaches, dizziness, confusion, altered level of responsiveness, weakness or fatigue and/or muscle cramps.

What is carbon monoxide poisoning?


The 4 parts of the first-aiders' role.

What are:

Recognize the emergency

Protect yourself and others

Access help

Act according to your skills and training


The 3 emblems that represent the "Red Society".

What is; Red Cross, Red Crescent and Red Crystal?