It's all in your head
Burns and bleeding
Breaks and bugs

You are the first person to care for someone who has been injured. You are providing...

What is First Aid


Powerful "computer" that operates the body.

What is the brain?


A cut on the arm is bleeding slightly, you care for it by

Washing the area with soap and water, pat dry, and then apply a bandaid or gauze bandage.


Site of this could feel hot, may itch, can look like a red bump surrounded by white skin. This usually clears up in a few hours, but sometimes swelling lasts for a few days.

What is a sting?


If you suspect the injured person could have a neck injury, do nit do THIS.

What is move them?


Broken bones, excessive loss of blood, burns, and allergic reactions can all cause this further medical condition.

What is Shock


Temporary injury to the brain usually caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head.  

Temporary loss of responsiveness is possible

Confused but only for a short time

Makes a full recovery

What is a Concussion?


Heat has caused redness, pain, and minor swelling. Limited to the top layer of skin.

What is a first degree burn?


You hear a grinding or crunching sound with the injury. You have a 

What is a broken bone?

Food, bug bites, stings, chemicals, and more can cause this type of reaction.

What is an allergic reaction?


Bug bites, stings, and cuts all need THIS done to them for proper first aid care.

What is washed? (cleaned, etc)


The correct position for when caring for a nosebleed.

What is sitting or standing (not laying down) with your head tipped forward.

Bonus points for WHY....


Heat has caused an injury that looks dry, waxy, and white, the person has no pain directly after being injured. What do you do for this person?

remove clothing from burned area (NOT if it is stuck to the burn), keep the area clean. have the person lying down, remove jewelry from around the burn

apply cool water over the area and then cover the area with a clean dry cloth until help arrives 


2 signs that there might be a broken bone

there is swelling, bruising, or tenderness (usually the swelling happens fairly quickly and gets to be quite large, but not always); injured part is hard to move or hurts when moving, being touched, or bearing weight; deformity- part of the body looks crooked or different than it did before the injury


An epipen is used for this reason, and injected into this place on the body.

What is severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)? What is the outer thigh ( bonus if you show me how on yourself.)


This is one of the most important parts of First Aid care.

What remaining calm?

Will also accept listening to the person, being observant, knowing when to get extra help


2 signs of a mild head injury

➤Wound to head

➤Dizziness and/or feeling sick


➤Mild headache 

➤Level of response may be affected for a brief period

➤Loss of memory at the time or immediately before the injury


Device that temporarily constricts and controls blood flow to an arm or a leg. It will hurt the injured person.

What is a tourniquet?


If a tick has been attached for less than this time, then disease transfer is less likely.

What is 36 hours?


Three signs of Shock

What is:

pale, cold, clammy skin

shallow, rapid breathing, difficulty breathing 

anxiety, rapid heart rate, heartbeat irregularities

nausea, vomiting, dizziness, light-headedness, confusion, unconsciousness 


Put a person in THIS position if they are in shock, and get help.

What is on their back laying down with their legs raised up their head on a chair.


2 signs of a severe head injury

➤History of severe blow to the head

➤Declining level of response. They may become unresponsive

➤Casualty may become unresponsive 

➤Blood or bloodstained watery fluid leaking from ear or nose

➤Unequal pupil size


The steps to care for some one who has heavy bleeding from a gash in the arm.

cover the wound with clean gauze or cloth- apply firm pressure for a few minutes if cloth becomes saturated with blood DO NOT remove, but add more and continue firm pressure

be sure it is on the wound

if bleeding does not stop use a tourniquet and get help


This bite CAN be swabbed with alcohol. 

What is a tick bite?


This chemical, along with other proteins, is the cause of the symptoms felt in allergies and allergic reactions of any severity.

What is Histamine?