Major Injuries
Minor Injuries

In an emergency when someone is no longer breathing normally, or when someone has a cardiac arrest.

When should someone perform CPR


Checking for danger

What is the first step in treating any major Injury of someone you stumble across.


When dealing with this kind of wound, you thoroughly clean this wound. Put some neosprine or similar substance, and cover with Band aids. Typically heals on its own as well without medical care, but the medical care can accelerate the time it takes.

What are Small cuts or scrapes


This condition is characterized by the blueing of the nose, fingers, and toes. It is what occurs when someone is too cold.

Definition of Hypothermia?


check for Danger, call for help, check the Victim's Airway, give Two Rescue Breaths, perform Chest Compressions

What are the steps for CPR


Stop any bleeding. Apply pressure to the wound with a sterile bandage, a clean cloth or a clean piece of clothing. Immobilize the injured area with a splint to prevent further damage.

How to treat a broken bone?


Rest the injured part. Ice it with a cold pack or ice wrapped in a cloth, 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off.Compress the area with a bandage which is firm, but not tight. This kind of wound is caused by multiple capillaries near the surface of the skin break, causing blood to pour out and develop a dark purple/ red color.

How to treat a bruise


Call 911. Move the person out of the cold. Remove any wet clothing, cover them with blankets or some other insulator. (Like snow). 

How to treat hypothermia


100 to 120 times per minute. Easily remembered by humming songs like Baby shark, or I will survive, because they have beats on this pace.

What is the rate of which I should perform CPR (something along the lines of rate, or amount per minute.)


clean wound site if possible and stuff the wound full of gauze or special cloth. Apply pressure on the wound.

How to treat puncture wounds or major cuts

Elevate the area that has this injury. Wrap the affected area in compression bandage and try to prevent too much movement of the affected area. Place ice separated from the skin by a small towel of some sort

How to treat a sprain 

One condition can usually be treated with cold water, air, and rest, but the other one  is an emergency medical condition that requires immediate care.

(It’s the comparison between what two conditions)

What’s the difference between heat exhaustion and heatstroke?


between 5 cm (2.0 in) and 6 cm (2.4 in) deep.

How deep should a person go into the body for CPR to an adult


Tightly apply the Tourniquet above on the limb where the wound is occurring. This wound only occurs in serious cases and is the result of major vessels being cut

How to treat severe cuts (major blood vessel cuts)/ limb dismemberment. 


Apply an ointment and cover with moleskin bandage. Common during hiking adventures. Most common location is the feet.

How to treat a blister


Once you have suspicions of this condition, do the test with its name being something that is very common and is probably happening right now in this room. If positive, immediately call 911. Then check for irregular heart rate, or breathing problems or cardiac arrest. If any of those are present, begin CPR immediately. Do not let them fall asleep or close their eyes. Put them in the recovery position if they collapse

How to treat for stroke. Also the name clue was the SMILE test. If their face is dropping they’re positive. 

Transports blood manually across arteries, veins and capillaries in order to allow for oxygenated blood to reach the brain prolonging a persons life for a few vital minutes while we wait for fire rescue personal to reach site.

What is the purpose of CPR (or something like that.)


In this kind of wound, nerve endings are destroyed and the skin is badly damaged. Typically, it’s left alone, and clothing and other nearby objects are left there to prevent further damage. Do not put cold water on this wound. Cover with cool clean cloth or a bandage.

How to treat 3rd degree burns

If you are unsure on how this injury happened, it’s probably safe to call 911. It is a common myth to suck on this injury, however this accomplishes nothing. Simply rest, write down times of which it happened, wound with loose, sterile bandage. Finally, make sure to remove all jewelry, or shoes or such around this wound.

How to treat snake bites?


This condition is extremely common. A person with a severe form of this may not be able to speak, cough, swallow or breathe. Give 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts. If they go unresponsive. Call 911, and begin CPR.

How to treat choking?