The Emergency Action steps.
What is check, call, care?
Age range of an infant.
To lower anxiety and discomfort, one should ____________.
What reassuring the person?
The most common choking hazards.
What are food, toys, and household objects?
The main thing you should do to someone who has a sudden illness.
What is doing no further harm?
Unusual sounds, sights, odors, or behaviors.
What are the signs of an emergency?
Where you should be checking a person who may have an injury.
What is from head to toe?
The first link in the Pediatric Chain of Survival
What prevention?
When a choking person becomes unresponsive.
What is lowering them to the ground, starting CPR, and calling 9-1-1?
A stroke comes from ________.
What is the brain?
A law protecting responders who react the way a reasonable or prudent person would act.
What is the definition of the Good Samaritan Law?
The SAM system.
What is signs and symptoms, allergies, and medication?
The 3 first aid steps for caring for someone in cardiac arrest.
What is calling 9-1-1, CPR, and AED?
If someone is choking and is doing this, you should encourage them to keep __________.
What is coughing?
The definition of a seizure.
What are abnormal electrical activity in the brain, leading to temporary and involuntary changes in body movement, function, sensation, awareness or behavior?
Equipment that helps lower risk of pathogens or infection.
What is PPE?
If the person does not respond in any way and is not breathing or is only gasping, assume __________ and call 9-1-1.
What is cardiac arrest?
When blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked.
What is a heart attack?
You should give repeated sets of 5 of these each when caring for a choking adult.
What are back blows and abdominal thrusts?.
Excessively low blood glucose levels.
What is hypoglycemia?
What is implied consent?
How long someone should check responsiveness and breathing.
What is 5-10 seconds?
When the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs.
What is cardiac arrest?
A baby's head should be lower than its chest when getting back blows because of ________.
What is Gravity?
People who have asthma may have an attack due to these.
What are triggers?