The risk of catching a disease when giving First Aid.
What is high risk?
An illness that a person lives with on an ongoing basis and that often requires continuous treatment to manage.
What is a chronic illness?
The amount of back blows and abdominal thrusts given to a choking child or adult.
What is 5 of each?
Blood thinner medication that helps prevent clotting and can help if given soon after signs of a heart attack.
What is aspirin?
Type of permission when helping a minor and their parent of guardian is present.
What is parental consent?
Type of permission given when an adult is unconscious.
What is implied consent?
Medication given to a person experiencing an allergic reaction or anaphylaxis.
What is epinephrine or epi-pen?
Hand placement when giving abdominal thrusts on a child.
What is right above the navel?
Blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked.
What is heart attack?
The depth of CPR compressions on a child.
What is about 2 inches?
When alone with an unresponsive child who is known to have heart problems, do you call or care first?
What is call first?
Abnormal body movements that present as convulsions and often happen to those with epilepsy.
What is a seizure?
How to help a choking pregnant lady
What is chest compressions?
The heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs.
What is cardiac arrest?
The rate of compressions on an adult.
What is 100-120 compressions per min?
The laws that protect responders who act the way a reasonable and prudent person would act in the same situation.
What are the Good Samaritan Laws?
A condition where a person's pancreas fails to make enough insulin or the body's cells are unable to respond to insulin.
What is diabetes?
First thing to do when an infant begins to choke
What is call 911 while giving care?
The first step in adult cardiac chain of survival.
What is recognize emergency and call 911?
Placement of AED pads on an infant.
What is middle of chest and back?
Community resources that are in the EMS System.
What is EMRs, EMTs, AEMTs, and paramedics?
The third highest cause of death in which there is unexplained cardiac arrest.
What is Sudden Adult Death (SAD)?
How to help a child who is choking and becomes unresponsive.
What is removing the object with your finger?
The first step in pediatric cardiac chain of survival.
What is injury prevention and safety?
Placement of hands when giving chest compressions on an infant.