Before Giving Care
Checking an Injured or ill person
Cardiac Emergency's
Sudden Illness

1. Unusual Sounds   2. Unusual Odors  3. Unusual Sights  4. Unusual Behaviors

What are the 4 signs of an emergency?


Send someone to call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number and to get an AED and first aid kit. Make sure the person is lying face-up on a firm, flat surface, such as the ground or floor. Immediately begin CPR and use the AED as soon as you get it.

What do you do if someone is unresponsive?


When blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked.

What is a heart attack?


Candy (especially hard or sticky candy), cough drops, gum, lollipops, marshmallows, buttons, hard candies, and jelly beans. Marbels, raw vegetables, raw peas, fruits, fruits with skins, seeds, carrots, celery, and cherries

What are choking hazards?


often strikes with little to no warning, at work, at school, at home or while we are out having fun. When a person becomes suddenly ill, you can help by providing appropriate first aid care; summoning help, if needed; and keeping the person comfortable until help arrives. 

What are sudden illnesses?


Check, Call, Care

What is the order in giving care to an emergency?


shout to get the person’s attention, using the person’s name if you know it. If there is no response, tap the person’s shoulder (if the person is an adult or child) or the bottom of the person’s foot (if the person is an infant)

How to check if a person is responsive or not.


occurs when the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other organs.

What is cardiac arrest?


One or both hands clutched to the throat, A look of panic, shock or confusion, Inability to talk, Strained or noisy breathing, Squeaky sounds when trying to breathe, Cough, which may either be weak or forceful, Skin, lips and nails that change color turning blue or gray, Loss of consciousness.

Signs and symptoms of choking.


a life-threatening lung injury that allows fluid to leak into the lungs.

What is Respiratory Distress?


9-1-1 or the designated emergency number

Who do you call after you check the emergency?


1 year or younger 

What are infants ages?


1.Recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency medical services (EMS) system.   2. Early CPR.  3. Early defibrillation  4. Early advanced life support.  5. Integrated post–cardiac arrest care. 6. rehab

What is the chain of survival for adults?

Give Back blows and Abdominal thrusts

How do you help a person who is choking?


a chronic lung disease that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways.

What is Asthma?


protects people who help others in emergencies from being sued for unintentional injuries. The law encourages people to help without fear of legal repercussions.

What is the Good Samaritan Law?


1 to 3 years of age

How old are toddlers?


1.Prevention 2. Early CPR  3. Activation of the emergency medical services (EMS) system. 4. Early advanced life support.  5. Integrated post–cardiac arrest care  6. Rehab

What is the chain of survival for pediatric patients? 


Give abdominal thrusts in the same way that you would for a person who is standing. It may be necessary to kneel behind the wheelchair. If features of the wheelchair make it difficult to give abdominal thrusts, give chest thrusts instead.

Who do you help a person who in choking  in a wheelchair?


treats severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) or sudden asthma attacks.

What is epinephrine and how does it help?


when a patient passively cooperates in a process without discussion or formal consent.

What is implied consent?


You can place an infant on his or her side as you would an older child, or you can hold the infant in a recovery position by positioning the infant face-down along your forearm, supporting the infant’s head and neck while keeping the mouth and nose clear.

How do you hold a infant in a recovery position?


It involves giving strong, rapid pushes to the chest to keep blood moving through the body. Usually, it also involves blowing air into the person's mouth to help with breathing and send oxygen to the lungs.

What is CPR?



How many Back blows and abdominal thrust do you give?


Sudden confusion, trouble speaking, or trouble understanding speech, Sudden numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the body, Sudden severe headache with no known cause, Sudden trouble seeing from one or both eyes, Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, or loss of balance or coordination.

What are signs and symptoms of a Stroke?