Warning Signs
Preventive Care
Substance Use and Mental Health

Medicine for a headache

Ibuprofen, acetaminophen (Tylenol), Aleve, Aspirin


What to do when you get a cut/scrape

Wash hands, stop the bleeding, clean the wound with warm water, apply antibiotic ointment, and cover the wound

When do you perform CPR

Perform CPR if someone collapses, doesn't respond, stops breathing, and/or does not have a pulse


Ways to prevent STIs

Condom, dental dam, vaccines, abstinence


A technique to help slow your heart when you're feeling anxious or panicked

Mindful breathing (box breathing, infinity breaths, belly breathing)


Medicine for a fever

Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Motrin

Seek medical care for fevers over 102!


What to do when you have a sprained joint

Rest, ice (for 20 minutes at a time), compression, elevation

What to do if someone is having a seizure

Only move them if they are in danger, clear the area around them, cushion their head if they are on the ground, loosen any tight clothing around their neck, stay with them, note start and end time, and put them in the recovery position after the seizure ends


Something you can do once a year to ensure your good health

Physical, dental check-up, gynecologist, get your eyes checked, get a diabetes screening, get a flu shot


A strategy to increase safety when engaging in risky behaviors such as self-harm or substance use

Harm reduction (and any examples of harm reduction!)


Medicine for a cough

Cough suppressants, cough drops, Mucinex, combo medications 


What to do for a broken bone

Go to the hospital or urgent care to get x-ray and proper care!


Signs of infection in a cut or wound

Redness, pus, pain, swelling, fatigue, red streaks, fever, delayed healing, warmth


Name a type of cancer screening

Colonoscopy, mammogram, prostate screening, pap smear, breast exam


What to do when someone is unresponsive due to overconsumption of alcohol

Check for breathing and if they are breathing, move them into the recovery position (see below), keep the person warm, and call 911.


What to do when you have a stomach bug

Drink fluids!! Rest, eat bland foods (Banana, Rice, Applesauce, Toast), take medications to reduce pain and fever symptoms. Seek medical care if your fever is over 102, stomach pain doesn't get decrease after vomiting, or if there is blood in your vomit or stool. Option for Zofran if vommitting will not cease.


What to do for a burn

Stop further burning, remove clothing or jewelry from the area, cool the injury site with lukewarm or cool water (not ice or ice water), keep the person warm, and cover the burn with cling film. When to go to the hospital: when the skin appears white, if the burn size is larger than a hand, if the burn is to the face, hands, feet, neck, joints, or genitals, or if the skin appears to be burnt away.

Warning signs of a heart attack

chest pain (can spread to jaw, neck, back, arms, shoulders, teeth, or upper belly), shortness of breath, sweating, feeling dizzy/light-headed, feeling nauseous, coughing/wheezing 


Lifestyle choices

Eating healthy, getting physical exercise, connecting with family and friends, avoiding risky substances, sleep, stress management, wearing a seatbelt, wearing sunscreen, wear a helmet


National Mental Health Crisis Number



How to stop the spread of illnesses

Stay home (don't go into public if you can't help it!), disinfect commonly touched surfaces or items, cough or sneeze into your elbow, wear a mask, wash your hands, avoid sharing utensils/cups, increase ventilation by opening doors and/or windows.


How to perform CPR

Check for breathing and pulse, look in person's airway for obstructions, call 911, then perform 30 chest compressions to every 2 breaths at a rate of 100-120 beats per minute (beat of Staying Alive)


Warning signs of a stroke

numbness/weakness in face, arm, or leg, sudden confusion or understanding speech, trouble speaking, sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes, sudden trouble walking, loss of balance, lack of coordination, sudden severe headache


Prescribed medications

Take medications as prescribed (time of day, frequency, amount), get refills on time, know the side effects, keep your medications stored in a dry, safe place


Name of the medicine that quickly reverses an opioid overdose
