Heat/Cold emergencies
Cardiac Emergencies
Bone/Muscle injuries
What should you should do to prevent dehydration?
What is Drink plenty of fluid?
Fevers, infections, poisoning, intoxication, hypoglycemia, head trauma, and low levels of oxygen are all symptoms of what medical emergency?
What is a seizure?
What is the purpose of CPR?
What is To revive someone going through cardiac/pulmonary arrest?
Sarah and Patricia go camping in Sarah’s front yard and they get stung by bees. Sarah is allergic, while Patricia is not. Should Patricia give Sarah an anti-histamine, hydrocortisone, or a hot pack?
What is an anti-histamine?
Name two types of bone/muscle injuries.
What is Fracture, Dislocation, Sprain, Strain?
What should you give a person to drink if he/she is unconscious?
What is Cool water?
What does the acronym F-A-S-T stands for?
What is Face, Arms, Speech, Time?
What are two components of the CPR procedure?
What is Chest compressions and rescue breaths?
This type of burn damages the dermis (second layer) of your skin.
What is a second degree burn?
How do you treat an open fracture?
What is Call 911! Wrap with a sterile bandage?
What is the treatment for someone who is suffering from hypothermia?
What is Remove any wet clothing and warm the person by wrapping him/her in blankets?
In response to a seizure, what position is a patient typically put in?
What is a recovery position?
Where are chest compressions performed?
What is Between the nipples, and/or sternum?
Jack is in car accident and suffers severe burns. The paramedics are on their way. While Jack is waiting should he remove burn clothing, elevate and cover the burned area, or immerse the burn in cold water?
What is Elevate and cover the burned area?
What is general treatment abbreviation and what does it stand for?
What is R.I.C.E? It stands for Rest, immobilize, cold, do not elevate injure part.
What are some signals for a person who is experiencing hypothermia?
What is Apathy, weakness, impaired judgment, and shivering?
Why is it important to immediately treat a stroke patient?
What is to prevent brain damage? (After a stroke, blood flow to the brain stops.)
What does CPR do to the body? (Hint: what functions of the body does CPR help restore?)
What is Maintains flow of blood to heart and brain?
Of the following, a bite or sting from which one would probably be the least severe: yellow jacket, spider, mosquito?
What is a mosquito bite?
In the severe cases, e.g. neck breaking, should we take off a helmet and wrap the broken part?
What is NO, do not attempt to take off the helmet; you may break the patient's neck! STAY OUT AND LET PARAMEDIC DO THEIR JOB! Call 911!
What is probably happening to a person whose skin appears waxy, cold, white or blue?
What is Freezing of body parts?
What commonly held belief actually causes a patient more harm than good in the case of a seizure?
What is Stick something in their mouth?
Which device is used to restart someone's heart?
What is Defibrillator, or AED (Automatic External Defibrillator)?
Only burn that requires calling 911 and immediate care from the hospital.
What is a third-degree burn?
If you break your finger, how do you treat it?
What is Apply cold pack (ice), then, splint it with another normal finger by using a sterile bandge?