First Aid
Providing Care

How can you best protect yourself from possible bloodborne pathogen  transmission when providing care? 

a. Ask the victim first if they have any communicable diseases.

b. Thoroughly wash your hands before providing care.

c. Use first aid supplies, such as dressings and bandages, as a barrier when in contact with the victim.

d. Use personal protective equipment (PPE), such as disposable gloves and a breathing barrier when providing care.

d. Use personal protective equipment (PPE), such as disposable gloves and a breathing barrier when providing care.


As the first rescuer on the scene, you are performing CPR on an adult.  When performing chest compressions, how deeply should you compress  the chest? 

a. About 2 inches

b. At least 2 inches but no more than 2.4 inches

c. About 1½ inches 

d. At least 1 inch but no more than 2 inches

b. At least 2 inches but no more than 2.4 inches


Once you have turned on the automated external defibrillator (AED), you  should: 

a. Check for breathing.

b. Give abdominal thrusts.

c. Apply the pads and allow the AED to analyze the heart rhythm.

d. Give chest compressions.

c. Apply the pads and allow the AED to analyze the heart rhythm.


A 12-year-old child at a swim meet grabs their chest and begins to make  wheezing noises. After you obtain consent to provide care, the child’s parent  informs you that the child has a history of asthma, but does not have an  inhaler nearby. What care should you provide? 

a. Give 5 back blows.

b. Summon more advanced medical personnel and place the victim into a position that helps breathing.

c. Tell the victim to use an inhaler borrowed from a bystander. 

d. Wait 20 minutes to see if the breathing difficulty goes away.

b. Summon more advanced medical personnel and place the victim into a position that helps breathing.


Your initial impression of a victim is based on: 

a. The victim’s initial vital signs.

b. How the victim appears to you as you size up the scene.

c. The victim’s SAMPLE history.

d. What you have been told about the victim.

b. How the victim appears to you as you size up the scene.


When caring for musculoskeletal injuries, what does RICE stand for? 

a. Remove, immobilize, care, elevate.

b. Rest, ice, care, evaluate.

c. Rest, immobilize, cold, elevate.

D. Remove, ice, care, evaluate

c. Rest, immobilize, cold, elevate.


Where should you place your hands when giving chest compressions to an infant during CPR?

a. One hand on the chin and one hand on the chest.

b. One hand on the chin and two or three fingers on the center of the chest.

c. One hand on the fore head and two or three fingers on the center of the chest.

d. One hand on the forehead an done hand on the chest  

c. One hand on the fore head and two or three fingers on the center of the chest.


If there is a risk of the AED pads touching each other, such as with a small child  or an infant, you should: 

a. Place one pad on the stomach and one pad on the chest.

b. Place one pad in the middle of the chest and the other on the back.

c. Place them as usual. It does not matter if the pads touch each other.

d. Reverse the pads’ position on the chest.

b. Place one pad in the middle of the chest and the other on the back.


You and another lifeguard find an unresponsive adult on the floor in the locker  room. You activate your facility’s EAP, size-up the scene, form an initial  impression and perform a primary assessment. You find the victim is not  moving or breathing, but has a pulse. You should summon EMS personnel,  then: 

a. Give ventilations at a rate of 1 about every 5-6 seconds.

b. Give back blows and chest thrusts.

c. Give quick breaths at the rate of 20 to 40 a minute.

d. Perform CPR.

a. Give ventilations at a rate of 1 about every 5-6 seconds.


You arrive on the scene where a patron appears to be injured. Before approaching the victim, which of the following will you NOT do as you  size-up the scene? 

a. Begin performing the primary assessment.

b. Use all your senses to determine if the scene is safe.

c. Form an initial impression.

d. Put on appropriate PPE.

a. Begin performing the primary assessment.


Signs and symptoms of sudden illness do not include: 

a. Changes in LOC.

b. Nausea or vomiting.

c. Bruising or rigidness of the abdomen.

d. Loss of vision or blurred vision.

c. Bruising or rigidness of the abdomen.


The cycle of chest compressions and ventilations in two-rescuer CPR for an  infant is: 

a. 15 chest compressions and 2 ventilations.

b. 15 chest compressions and 1ventilation.

c. 30 chest compressions and 1ventilation.

d. 30 chest compressions and 2ventilations.

a. 15 chest compressions and 2 ventilations.


An AED has advised that a shock should be given. Which of the following is appropriate?

a. Apply new AED pads to the victim’s chest. 

b. Begin chest compressions immediately.

c. Tell everyone to stand clear of the victim.

d. Cover the AED pads with a blanket.

c. Tell everyone to stand clear of the victim.


For which of the following should you summon EMS personnel? 

a. A victim with a minor cut on the forearm that is lightly bleeding.

b. A victim with an airway obstruction who is forcefully coughing.

c. A victim with intermittent abdominal pressure.

d. A victim with an open leg wound with the bone protruding.

d. A victim with an open leg wound with the bone protruding.


When providing care during an emergency, which of the following should you do  first? 

a. Size-up the scene while forming an initial impression.

b. Check for responsiveness.

c. Perform a primary assessment.

d. Summon more advanced medical personnel.

a. Size-up the scene while forming an initial impression.


When checking a victim during a secondary assessment you notice changes  in her LOC. What does the C stand for in LOC? 

a. Condition.

b. Consciousness.

c. Comprehension.

d. Complication.

b. Consciousness.


You are providing care to a victim suspected of having a heart attack. Which of the following would you do first? 

a. Summon EMS personnel.

b. Loosen any tight clothing.

c. Monitor the victim’sappearance.

d. Provide comfort to the victim.

a. Summon EMS personnel.


You are about to apply AED pads to a victim’s chest when you notice that the  victim has several body piercings with jewelry on their chest. Which of the following should you do?

a. Remove the jewelry before applying the pads.

b. Use one pad, applying it directly over the jewelry.

c. Wipe the chest, including the jewelry, with alcohol.

d. Apply the pads to the chest, at least 1 inch away from the jewelry.  

d. Apply the pads to the chest, at least 1 inch away from the jewelry.  


You are providing care to a facility maintenance worker who has fallen off  the top of a ladder. The victim is responsive. Which of the following should you do first? 

a. Ask the victim what happened when they fell.

b. Obtain consent from the victim to provide care.

c. Check the victim’s pulse.

d. Question the victim about any complaints of pain.

b. Obtain consent from the victim to provide care.


You have sized up the scene, formed an initial impression and determined  the scene is safe. When starting the primary assessment, which of the following would you do first? 

a. Summon EMS personnel

b. Check for responsiveness.

c. Open the victim’s airway

d. Check for breathing and a pulse

b. Check for responsiveness.


What is the first step you should take in caring for a victim with burns?

a. Cool the burned area to stop the burning.

b. Keep the victim comfortable.

c. Take steps to minimize shock.

d. Remove the victim from the source of the burn.

d. Remove the victim from the source of the burn.


To ensure high-quality CPR and high-quality chest compressions, you should: 

a. Keep your shoulders directly over your hands and bend your elbows.

b. Compress the victim’s chest toa shallow depth

c. Expose the victim’s chest to ensure proper hand placement and full chest recoil.

d. Place the victim on a soft, flat surface.

c. Expose the victim’s chest to ensure proper hand placement and full chest recoil.


Once you have turned on the automated external defibrillator (AED), you  should: 

a. Check for breathing.

b. Give abdominal thrusts.

c. Apply the pads and allow the AED to analyze the heart rhythm.

d. Give chest compressions.

c. Apply the pads and allow the AED to analyze the heart rhythm.


During a swim meet, the bleachers behind your guard station  suddenly collapse. As you check the scene, you notice several people  who appear injured. Who should you approach first? 

a. A parent holding a crying infant.

b. A victim who appears unconscious.

c. A victim who is bleeding lightly from an injury on the leg.

d. A child who is holding their arm, which appears to be injured

b. A victim who appears unconscious.


While performing a primary assessment on an unresponsive adult who has  been rescued from the water, you find that they have only occasional gasps, no pulse and no severe life-threatening bleeding. Which of the following  should you do next? 

a. Give 5 abdominal thrusts.

b. Immediately begin CPR, starting with chest compressions.

c. Place the victim in the recovery position. 

d. Give 2 ventilations and begin CPR.

d. Give 2 ventilations and begin CPR.