Checking on the Ill
Cardiac Emergencies

What is a person's role in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System?

1. Recognizes that an emergency exists. 

2. Deciding to take action.

3. Activating the EMS System.

4. Giving care until EMS personnel take over. 


We interview a person by asking for: 

1. Signs and Symptoms

2. Allergies

3. Medications

What is SAM?


Blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked. 

What is a heart attack?


 Foods children younger than 4 can choke on.

What are nuts and seeds, hot dogs and sausages, meat, cheese, fruits and raw veggies, popcorn and peanut butter.


1. Check the scene and the person. 

2. Call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number. 

3. Care for the person. 

What are Emergency Action Steps?


Check person for any injuries, signs, and symptoms of illness. If injury is spotted, reassure the person by telling them that EMS personnel is coming and that you will help.

What is Check from Head to Toe?


Symptoms are: 

1. Unresponsiveness

2. Not breathing or only gasping

3. Agonal Breaths

What is Cardiac Arrest?


Two steps for caring for a person who is choking.

What are back blows and abdominal thrusts?


When person is unresponsive, confused or mentally impaired to not be able to give consent, law assumes person would give consent if able to do so.

What is Implied Consent?

Time needed to check a person for responsiveness and breathing. 

What is 5 to 10 seconds?


A set consists of 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths. 

Helps protect a person during cardiac emergencies. 

Also known as Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

What is CPR?


Sets of back blows and abdominal thrusts need to be given/

What are 5 backblows and 5 abdominal thrusts?


In what conditions is EMS activated in? 

1. Unresponsiveness or an altered level of consciousness like drowsiness or confusion. 

2. Breathing problems.

3. Chest pain, discomfort, or pressure lasting more than a few minutes that goes away and comes back or radiates to the shoulder, arm, neck, jaw, stomach, or back. 

4. Persistent abdominal pain

What are EMS conditions?


1. Speak in normal voice.

2. Find out if any bystanders to help talk to person. 

3. Try to communicate nonverbally using gestures and facial expressions. 

What is "When injured person speaks different language"?


Tilt head to neutral head position; form seal over mouth and nose.

What is Infant CPR?


Step for saving person who is too large for you to wrap your arms around to give abdominal thrusts.

What are Chest Thrusts?


Protect responders who behave like how a reasonable and prudent person would in an emergency situation.

What are Good Samaritan Laws?


1. Extend the person's arm that is closest to you above the person's ahead. 

2. Roll the person forward on to their side, so that person's head rests on extended arm. 

3. Bend both knees to stabliize the body.

What is Adult or Child Recovery Position?


AED can be placed on these two positions for infant if normal positions (upper right side of chest and lower left side of chest) don't work because person is too small.

What is "middle of chest" and "between shoulder blades?"


Steps for when a choking person is alone.

What are "Call 911" and "Give yourself abdominal thrusts?"