Before Giving Care
Adult CPR
Infant CPR
Adult AED

What is the first thing you should do when you approach an emergency situation?

Check if the scene is safe


What is the appropriate term for "mouth to mouth"? 

Rescue Breath


Some signals that indicate an infant is chocking are...

Looking panicked and not able to cough, cry, or breath.


What is an AED used for?

An AED is meant to shock the heart 


What is the first step in carrying for a bleeding wound?

Apply direct pressure and try to get the bleeding to slow down or stop


This number should be contacted when a person is having trouble breathing from an allergic reaction?



How do you check to see if the victim is breathing?

Look, listen, and feel to see if their chest is rising and falling 


Should you give abdominal thrusts to an infant who choking?

No, you need to give chest thrusts with two fingers


When preparing an AED for use, what is the FIRST thing you should do?

Turn on the AED


Upon finding someone who is having a heart attack, what medication can we help them take?

Aspirin (ASA)


At what rate should you give chest compressions?

To the song "Baby Shark"


What is the full name for CPR? 

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation


The cycle of compressions and breaths for an infant is...

30 compressions to every 2 breaths


The AED pads for an Adult should be placed on..

The upper right and lower left part of the chest.


A diabetic seems to have been experiencing terrible symptoms. What can we give them, and what can we NEVER give them.

We can provide things such as candy, juice or sugar packets. We CANNOT give insulin.


When a baby is choking, what two techniques do you use to get the object out.

Gentle back blows to their back and chest compressions with 2 fingers


The cycle of compressions and breaths in CPR for an adult is...

"30 chest compressions for every 2 rescue breaths"


How big should the breaths be when performing rescue breaths on an infant?

Two tiny puffs of air


Once you have attached AED pads to a person, you should...

Allow or activate the AED to analyze the heart rhythm


If rigidity is found in the abdomen, what should we assume?

That there is an internal bleed


You see a woman collapse in front of you while entering the lobby of your office building. You check the scene and then check the victim for consciousness, but does not respond. What should you do next?

Call or have someone else call 9-1-1 or EMS


Early CPR is an important link in then Cardiac Chain of Survival because...

It helps circulate blood that contains oxygen to vital organs until an AED is ready to use or advanced medical personnel arrives.


Where should you position a severe chocking infants head?

Using gravity, point the head down for better quality of back blows and chest compressions


If, during the second analysis, the AED prompts "no shock advised," you should...

Resume CPR


The rule of thumb, "if there is any sort of body part sticking out of somebody, we should ______"

Leave it where it is! If its an organ/eye ball keep it moist, but do not try to force it back in! Leave that to the EMS.