It is when any person in the United States has the right to exercise any religion that they wish to practice.
What is freedom of religion?
This freedom is considered most important
What is freedom of speech?
It is the right to complaint without the fear of consequences from the government.
What is freedom of petition?
People have the right to gather peacefully.
What is the definition of Assembly?
Freedom of the press is the freedom for the press to report anything true without being influenced not to report something
What is freedom of the press?
People did not have the freedom to practice their own religion and they were forced to follow a specific one. This caused disruption against people and brought them to fights to achieve the freedom of religion.
What was the reason we created this?
Martin Luther King Jr., Thomas Paine, Abraham Lincoln, Founding Fathers
what historical figures have demonstrated this freedom?
They both relate to the freedom of expression.
How is freedom of petition and assembly interconnected?
An example of assembling is when people gather peacefully to protest the government
What is an example of assembling?
*It allows the public to always be correctly informed *It gives people the freedom to form opinions based on facts
How does freedom of the press protect the freedom of the people?
People had to promise in court to follow the laws and rules under one religion. The people who had different beliefs were punished and not treated equally.
What are some examples of impact on people when they did not have freedom of religion?
What is freedom of speech protects you from interference from the government, or anybody else, no matter what you say.
How is this freedom important?
The right of petition protect the citizens' rights to protest against government. While assembly, allows citizens to peacefully gather.
What is the main difference between freedom of petition and freedom of assembly?
People assembled in groups to protest the way the government dealt with issues.
How did people assemble in America’s earlier years?
In America, any form of news (newspaper, television, internet) exercises the freedom of the press. We don't have to worry that the press is withholding the truth.
How is freedom of the press evident today?
There has been less disruptions because every person now is not forced to practice a religion, nobody is being punished to practice one religion, and there has been more acceptance into this world.
How is our world better because of having the freedom of religion?
How is this freedom sometimes abused?
What is defamation, lying under oath?
An example of petitioning would be lobbyists. It's because they try and influence lawmakers to support a certain legislation.
What is an example of petitioning in our life?
People assemble to protest the way the government deals with issues.
How do people assemble now?
The cartoon of Atticus slaving over his work is an example of freedom of the press. The newspaper was not told that they couldn't publish that cartoon, because that would have been unconstitutional.
What is an example of freedom of the press in "To Kill a Mockingbird"?
One reason that there was not any freedom of religion, was because all of the rules and laws came from one main religion. This made everything easier in the past. If someone did something wrong, they would go against that religion and be punished.
Why was this important back in the past?
What is speaking freely, and expressing one's heart, ideas, beliefs, and opinions without judgement despite race, ethnicity, sexuality, education, status, etc.
Define freedom of speech
It originally came from the Magna Carta. The English Declaration rights in 1689, states that subjects are entitled to petition the king without the fear of death.
Where is the origin of the freedom of petition?
Freedom of assembly is important because it helps people gather to protest issues and help their voices be heard.
Why is the freedom of assembly important?