The study of ancient peoples
Who lived in the four corners?
Who are the Anasazi
is an item such as a told left behind by a culture
In what region did the Tingit, Haida and Chinok peoples live?
Northwest Coast
What two people groups lived in the Southwest
Who are Acoma and Zuni
helps determine the age of an artifact
carbon dating
What are the four largest and most advanced early civilizations?
Olmec, Maya, Aztec and Inca.
What are the five groups of the Iroquois (can't name them all, name one and receive 60pts).
Onondaga, Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida and Cayuga
use symbols or pictures to represent things, ideas and sounds
Name the greatest achievement of the Dakota people
Skilled horsemanship.
The first peoples likely followed _____________ which led them across Beringia.
food, large game, mammoths.
linked the governments of different people groups (like the Iroquois
What small game or fish did the early peoples eat?
bonus: how did they preserve the fish they caught?
deer and salmon
by smoking it
What was the largest settlement of the Mound people?