We Are Family
Brass Plates
Did You Know?
Let's Go Camping

These are the names of Nephi's Mother and older brothers.

Who are Sariah, Laman, Lemuel, and Sam?


This is the language Nephi used to make his record.

What is Egyptian?


This man prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem

Who is Lehi?


What the Jews attempted when Lehi warned they would be destroyed if they didn't repent.

What is murder?


Nephi broke this, which made it so they could not obtain food.

What is his bow?


He was Laban’s servant and agreed to return to the wilderness with Nephi.

Who is Zoram?


They are the important records Nephi and his brothers were commanded by the Lord to return and obtain.

What are the Brass Plates?


This vision was seen by these two prophets

Who are Lehi and Nephi?


Laman and Lemuel may have been bad boys, but they were experts at this low, disapproving noise.

What is Murmur?


This precious gift given to Lehi only worked according to their faith and diligence.

What is the Liahona?


After reading the Plates, Lehi realized he was a descendant of this son of Israel, that was sold into Egypt.

Who is Joseph?


In addition to the books of Moses (old testament), the brass plates contained this, which Lehi loved.

What is Lehi's genealogy


After seeing the tree of life, Nephi saw this "fair" individual

Who is the virgin Mary?


What Laman and Lemuel smote Nephi and Sam with following their failed attempt to obtain the plates.

What is a rod?


Nephi says this after the Lord asks him to build a ship.

What is "Lord, whither shall I go that I may find ore to molten, that I may make tools to construct the ship after the manner which thou hast shown unto me?" 1 Nephi: 17


The Lord commanded Nephi and his brothers to return to Jerusalem again and bring back this man and his family.

Who is Ishmael?


Nephi returned to his father with not only the brass plates, but also this bloody souvenir.

What is the sword of Laban?


Early in the Book of Mormon, Nephi famously said that he was born of these.

What are goodly parents?


Characteristic shared by a certain fictitious snowman, and the wicked that church Nephi saw in his vision.

What is abominable?


Nephi, did not work the timbers after the manner which was learned by men, neither did I build the ship after the manner of men; but I did build it after this manner, it was not after the manner of men.

What is "the manner that the Lord showed unto me"?


These are the two patriarchs (grandpas) that left Jerusalem for the promised land.

Who are Ishmael and Lehi?


These were cast to determine which brother would be the first to attempt to obtain the brass plates.

What are lots?


This was Nephi's first reaction to being told to kill Laban.

What is that he had never killed a man?


This group of people "went forth out of captivity, upon the many waters"

Who are the gentiles


Laman and Lemuel bond Nephi with cords, they were driven back by a storm for this many days before they released him. 

What is "four days"? 1 Nephi 18