What do athletes major in?
Do you want fries with that?
Looks aren't everything
It's Not a Joke
Shaquille O'Neal has had many careers - basketball player, musician/rapper, commercial spokesperson - what degree took him there?
What is General Studies
Queen Latifah worked every position at this fast food franchise - she even cleaned the toilets. Royalty suits her!
What is Burger King
Funny woman Kristen Wiig wasn't laughing while she used her graphic design skills to help others visualize their future. She worked for a.....
What is plastic surgeon
This former model turned actor recently filled some big shoes. Perhaps he prepared by studying biochemical engineering.
Who is Ashton Kutcher
His economics major helped propel this person to wealth and fame. It also helped him say "You're fired!"
Who is Donald Trump
Tiger Woods could have used his degree to help determine how to pay his divorce settlement.
What is Economics
Rachael McAdams gained valuable experience working summers with this clown at his franchise.
What is McDonald's
Lady Gaga is known for her style - which was apparent even as she worked her shifts in high heels - what position did she hold?
What is a waitress.
Although we know her as a funny person, her degree in drama may have prepared her to portray Sarah Palin......
Who is Tina Fey
This pop singer and mother of twins was fired from many early jobs because of her poor attitude - but when you are a Hatchecker, it may be difficult to be positive.
Who is Mariah Carey
Tony Romo is an Eastern Alumnus - what did he study while prepping for his pro football career?
What is Communication Studies
Gwen Stefani's unique hairstyles may remind people of the ice cream she once served at...
What is Dairy Queen
Robert Pattinson has women firmly on "Team Edward", but women were following him as well in his early career as a ...
What is model
He may have played a professional driver in "Talladega Nights", but this funny man has a degree in Sports Broadcasting.
Who is Will Ferrell
It's not over until the fat lady sings - or until the "Ditry Job" is done.......and this reality star could sing his own theme song.
Who is Mike Rowe
Michael Jordan's basketball career provided an income that allows him to travel the globe. His college major also supports that goal. What was it?
What is Cultural Geography
Dwayne Wade had a offer to return to this coop while out on strike.
What is Kentucky Fried Chicken
Smoothies are all the rage, but Megan Fox enjoyed promoting them while wearing what costume?
What is a banana
Jon Stewart really knows how to get into people's heads. Perhaps he learned it while he studied this in college.
What is Psychology
Hmmmm, is Quidditch a french word? Perhaps this author learned it while studying French and Classics......
Who is J.K. Rowling
Peyton Manning finished his undergraduate degree in three years. It has helped him as he makes strategic career moves.
What is Business Management
Madonna had to "get up early" to make the breakfast treats at this shop.
What is Dunkin' Donuts
Mexican food is always popular, and Brad Pitt knows how to get people into his favorite mexican restaurant. That is, if you recognize him in his _______________ suit.
What is chicken
Do you think his college major of Telecommunications would make this late night's host Top 10 List?
Who is David Letterman
This recently retired basketball player completed his EdD in Education from Barry University in Miami Shores Florida, who was it?
Who is Shaquille O'Neal