What is the Eucharis?
The Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
How many sacraments are there?
What is the first prayer Catholics learn?
Who is the mother of Jesus?
What should we do when entering a church?
What words does the priest say to consecrate the bread and wine?
“This is my body.. This is my blood“
Which sacrament do we receive before First Communion?
Reconciliation or Confession
Which prayer summarizes the key beliefs of our faith?
The Nicene Creed
What did Jesus do at the Last Supper?
He instituted the Eucharist and washed the disciples‘ feet
Why do we fast before receiving Communion?
To prepare our hearts for Jesus
What do we call the moment when the bread and wine become Jesus?
The Consecration
Which sacrament strengthens the gifts of the Holy Spirit received at Baptism?
What do we pray before receiving Communion?
How did Jesus show His power of nature?
By calming the storm, walking on water, and parting the Red Sea
What is the Rosary, and why do we pray it?
A prayer that helps us mediate on the life of Jesus and Mary
What is required before receiving Communion?
Being free of mortal sin and fasting for one hour
What are the three sacraments of initiation?
Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation
What is the meaning of the “Our Father”?
It is the prayer Jesus taught us, asking God for our daily needs, forgiveness, and guidance
What did Jesus say about the Bread of Life?
”Whoever eats his bread will live forever”
Why is it important to attend Mass every Sunday?
To worship God, receive the Eucharist, and obey the Third Commandment
What is the tabernacle used for in a Catholic Church?
To store the consecrated Eucharist
What is the sacrament in which a man and women enter into a covenant before God?
What prayer do we say when confessing our sins to God?
The Act of Contrition
What is the Parable of the Prodigal Son about?
God’s mercy and forgiveness when we repent
What do we do after receiving Communio?
Return to our pew and pray in thanksgiving