First Conditional (+) A
First Conditional (-) B
First Conditional (+) C
First Conditional (-) D

If you (cook) the turkey, I (100% make) the side dishes.

If you cook the turkey, I´LL make the side dishes.


If there (not be) anything interesting on TV, I (100% put) a Christmas movie.

If there isn´t anything on TV, I´LL put a Christmas movie.


If they (arrive) early, we (50% start) the celebration sooner.

If they arrive early, we MAY start the celebration sooner.


If the weather (not/improve), we (100% not/have) a festival.

If the weather doesn't improve, we WON´T have a festival.


If my mum (cook) Christmas dinner in a hurry, she (100% burn) the kitchen!

If my mum cooks Christmas dinner in a hurry, SHE´LL burn the kitchen!


If children (not/eat) a lot of candy, they (100% be) healthy.

If children don´t eat a lot of candy, THEY´LL be healthy.


If you (find) your costume, you (75% participate) in the Halloween contest.

If you find your costume, you CAN participate in the Halloween contest.


If it (not snow) on Christmas Day, we (50% build) a snowman.

If it doesn´t snow on Christmas Day, we CAN´T build a snowman.


If they (sing) Christmas carols, we (50% join) them.

If they sing Christmas carols, we MAY join them.


If it (snow) outside, they (100% not/go) trick-or-treating. 

If it snows outside, they WON´T go trick-or-treating.


If she (leave) cookies and milk, Santa Clause (50% be) surprised.

If she leaves cookies and milk, Santa Clause MAY be surprised.


If we (not make) resolutions, we (50% not achieve) our goals.

If we don´t make resolutions, we MAY NOT achieve our goals.


We (100% not see) anything if we (get) late to the Independence Day parade.

We WON´T see anything if we get late to the Independence Day parade.


They (75% not/bring) snacks if you (invite) them as guests to the New Year´s party.

They CAN´T bring snacks if you invite them as guests to the New Year´s party.


 If we (wait) here, we (100% be) late.

If we wait here, WE´LL be late.


If the weather (not/be) nice, we (75% not/have) dinner outside.

If the weather isn´t nice, we CAN´T have) dinner outside.


If we (win) the game on Saturday, we (100% host) the next year´s party.

If we win the game on Saturday, WE´LL host the next year´s party.


We (50% have) the Easter egg hunt if it (not rain).

We MAY have the Easter egg hunt if it doesn´t rain.


If the fireworks (start) at 9 PM, we (75% watch) them from the rooftop.

If the fireworks start at 9 PM, we CAN watch them from the rooftop.


He (100% not/win) the costume contest if he (not/wear) a scary costume.

He WON´T win the costume contest if he doesn´t wear a scary costume.