This is what you must do quietly when you want to ask a question or make a comment.
What is raising your hand?
How many students can be out of their seats at a time?
What is one student?
When I am on task and doing my job, my teacher may reward me with a _______________ that I can use ONLY in this classroom.
What is a Caught Being Good Ticket?
My teacher will give me warnings by making me pull a _____.
What is card?
In room 506, Ms. Tuon expects you to act like a ________!
What is a professional?
You must attend to your personal needs BEFORE coming to class. Name those two personal needs.
What is drinking water and using the restroom?
You must always raise your ______ for permission to speak, leave your seat, or practically almost anything.
What is hand?
I work in groups to learn cooperative skills. It helps me be a better person and sets me up for the real world. As a team, we can earn ______________.
What is group points?
If I demonstrate ROLE MODEL BEHAVIOR, I move my card UP to the color _____.
What is blue?
I should enter the classroom quietly and get started on my __________________ while my teacher is taking attendance. I have no time to waste because I may have to present.
What is Journal Writing?
___________ attentively when others are speaking.
What is listen?
In the morning, I must enter the room quietly, grab my chair, take out my materials, and get started on my _____________.
What is Journal Writing?
When our group earns enough points, we may win at the end of each round. That lets us roll the dice on the _____________.
What is Tuonopoly?
Warnings are given the first week of school. After that, there are no warnings. When I pull my card to yellow, I am sending a note home to my _______.
What is parent(s)?
I have to follow the school wide rules, also known as the NEST. N stands for Notice your surroundings. E stands for Encourage others. S standards for Show Respect. T stands for Take __________.
What is responsibility?
Be nice and polite in _______ you do.
What is everything?
My teacher will countdown with her fingers to get my _________. If I'm not ready, I may pull a card or lose group points.
What is attention?
Lines must be straight and quiet. The best line can earn ______ for winning. Teacher judges the lines.
What is a point?
If I misbehave again, I will have to fill out the second half of the parent form and take it home. This means that I continued to be disrespectful. I will have to bring back a parent ______________.
What is signature?
All day, I need to have a ______ out. That way, if I ever finish any of my assignments early, I should be reading. Doing nothing and socializing is NOT an option. There will be no time wasting in room 506.
What is a (library) book?
Make the classroom a ___________________.
What is positive learning environment?
I should never leave the classroom when the bell rings, even if it's recess or time to go home. I have to wait for _________ to dismiss me!
What is the teacher?
With my Caught Being Good Ticket Room 506 Edition, I can buy classroom ________.
What are supplies?
If I pull my card all the way to red, I may earn myself a _________________.
Notice of Unacceptable Behavior
The day starts at 8:00 am and ends at ___________.