-Mommy (Ariella)
Who are the youngest in their families?
Malki's "twin" in Chabad....down to the headband!
Who is Shoshie Dubin?
Malki's Chabad preschool assistant teacher who she mixed up with the "PUSHKA"
Who is Morah Mushka?
The seat Malka usually end up in on the plane
What is the middle seat?
What are Malki's hobbies?
Maki's FAVORITE future brother in law
Who is Nosson Zelinger?
Malki's ballet partners
Who are Chany and Lilly?
Malki's 6th grade Chumash teacher
Who is Morah Ismach?
What nauseating food did Daddy order on your trip to Paris?
Malki's "Pre-shower" chant
What is, "I'm in the shower if you need me"
The 3 Freyda Malka
Who are:
Malke Torgow
Aunt Malka and
Malki Kelman?
Malkis "best Lakewood cousin friends"
Who are Hendy and Ita?
What time does Malki's school bus come in the morning?
-Walks on "The Canal" with cute sandals and sunglasses
-Water Tubing
-Aligator boat ride (Everglades)
-Monkey Jungle
Where did we go with the family and Grandma and Saba in Florida on Pesach?
What is Daddy's nick name for Malki?
-Screeching "I caught a fish"
-Falling into the pool
-Collecting warm chicken eggs
What happened on family trips in The Hamptons?
"chas v'shalom, chas vchalila, blee ayin hara!"
What did Malki and Shosie screech on top of their lungs on shabbos afternoon?
Veggie Burgers and dressing
What is Malki's "go to" school lunch?
The bottom pull out bed, a VERY HIGH bunk bed or a mattress on the floor
Where does Malki sleep in Eretz Yisroel?
Maki's favorite roomate
Who is Frumi?
"Good night, I love you, see you in the morning iy"H"
What does Malki say every night before she goes to sleep?
Adena Pirutinsky
The Jungreis twins
Ahuva Munchnick
and a few others
Who went to Bnoseinu with Malki?
"She is a pleasure"
"Excellent middos"
"Great student"
"great friend"
What do Malki's teachers say at PTA?
What got stuck in Malki's tiny little pony on top of her head on the way back from Toronto?
What we wish Malka upon her bas mitzvah!
What is maze tov?