Which websites are we allowed on?
Only websites assigned or directed to go on by a teacher.
What time do you have to be in homeroom each day?
8:45 am or as soon as the bus drops me off
Can I put my water bottle on my desk?
No, please leave them at the back table if you have one.
What time are all students expected to leave the school compound?
at 4:30
We should always _______ each other
Can we go on Yahoo games?
Can I wear a sweater in class if it gets too cold?
Yes. Be sure you don't put your hood on.
Should I talk and play in the bathroom?
No, use the restroom quickly and get back to class.
How should you enter and exit my classroom?
quietly at all times.
What should I do if I really dont understand the lesson?
Ask Questions
What do I do if I forget my homework?
Tell the teacher and ask for an extension
Can I sharpen my pencil in the middle of instruction?
No, have your pencils sharpened during homeroom. You will have more than 1 in your desk so take a spare and you can sharpen the broken one after class.
Give an example of a consequence that a bully might receive.
SAD form
What should I do when it's time to go?
Tidy your desk and push your chairs under your table.
If you are absent from school, what do you need with you when you return?
A note from a parent or doctor.
Will you get homework from me?
No, your classroom teacher will give you your homework.
Can I email my teacher in the evening to ask a question?
Of course! You can do so on Class Dojo.
What should I do if Mrs. Williams starts to clap.
Stop what you are doing and return to your seat.
What kind of words should you use at all times?
kind words
Is it okay to make mistakes?
Absolutely. As long as you learn from them.
I can use my cellphone during class
No !
Which class is the best class at Windsor Forest Elem.?
All classes
How should you behave if there is a fire drill? Where do we go?
Quietly line up and walk calmly to the back door and head out to the backfield.
Who is responsible for your work getting completed?
YOU-you are responsible for doing your work.