Course Syllabus
Not really in Syllabus
Our Class on Canvas
Absent and Late
Quizzes and Exams

Are you allowed to just pop-in for Chemistry Office hours?

Yes, if nobody is signed up, She'd love for you to come visit!


Where on Canvas will you find all assignments for this class?

Modules>>Assignment Book


What did students from last semester leave for you on Canvas?

Letters of advice 


How many excused absences (aka sick/personal days) do you get for Lab?

3 Excused Absences, plus Canvas will drop your worst score.


As a reminder to make up a missed quiz, a zero gets entered in Canvas as your grade. How long do you have to make up the quiz to replace the zero?

Why is there a time limit?

You have one week from your return to make up a quiz. Quizzes are graded and given back within a week so the answers are out there.


If you want to guarantee office hours with me, how do you go about scheduling a block of time for office hours ?

Sign up on the office door with marker


Name 3 reasons students attend office hours?  

Assignment help, Quiz replacement, make-up a quiz, talk about opportunities, etc


How do you pronounce my last name?

DIE kuss


Although there is no grade for "lecture attendance", missing more than 3 lectures excludes you from taking advantage of

missing more than 3 lectures and you will be exempt from quiz replacements and all extra credit


Explain how you would go about making up a missed quiz.

Make arrangements in writing (email) May be scheduled during office hours or while Prof Dicus is teaching another Chem 1A or Chem 1B lab


Where can you find the Tutoring Center on campus? What building and where is it?

Building 800 (building with Library)


Each Office Hour time slot is how many minutes? How many can you sign up for in a row?

15 minutes each. 3 time slots in a row maximum is requested.


What is available on Canvas in case you missed a point during lecture or missed it all together?

Lectures are recorded as long as technology is working


What is your lab score for the day if you come prepared but are 10-15 minutes to lab or leave early?

8/10 (2 points deducted for 10-15 minutes late)


Where do my quiz questions come from?

Directly from the Aktiv online homework. You need to show you understand all parts of the question though.


How often does prof Dicus check her email per day?

Just twice. Morning before class and late afternoon. Please text for emergencies or find her...schedule is on  office door!


Can office hours ever be by Zoom instead of in person?

Yes, but a separate email is requested so prof Dicus can schedule it


3 midterm exams and the final exam combined are worth how much of your grade?



What is the policy for requesting a due date extension for Aktiv online homework? How many times can you take advantage of this?

Ask before 5pm the day it is due. It will be extended 1 week. You may ask 3 times per semester.


Beside a study guide what other resource is available in the Canvas modules to prepare for exams?

Where is the study guide found?

Practice Exams and Answer Key on Canvas

Study guides are in the back of the reference folders you made on the first day


How can you complete a post-lab assignment if you were absent for the actual lab when data was collected?

If you have prepared for the lab by writing out a pre-lab, you may use borrowed data, but must enter it by hand into your own lab notebook to familiarize yourself with what you missed.


Can you still sign the lecture attendance sheet if you are late to class ?

Sometimes... it will be collected at 10 minutes (or after it has made it around the room). Patterns of lateness will result in not being able to use extra credit/quiz replacements


How do you find the Aktiv online homework on Canvas? What menu item is it under?

Modules>> Links to textbook and Aktiv Online Homework.


What happens if you come to lab without proper clothing, shoes, and lab goggles? and/or have developed a habit (3 times) of not preparing for the experiment

You may borrow goggles (we only have a few pair) but you will have to miss the lab if not dressed properly. Keep a set of shoes and clothes in locker, backpack, or car!


Explain two ways you can replace up to 4 quiz grades if you want a better score?

attend 2 SI-sessions per quiz replacement or 3-15 office hour slots.