Which websites are we allowed on?
Only websites on Classlink or websites assigned by a teacher.
What time does first period start?
8:14 AM
What is a big difference from last year?
You are Responsible for you.
When are all students dismissed from school on Tuesday-Friday?
3:45 PM
Can I get up and walk around the classroom?
Only with permission from an adult.
Can we go on Google or play games on the internet?
What time does the school end?
4:00 PM
Should I talk and play in the bathroom?
No, we have better things to do!
Should my parents clean out my folders?
No, it is your responsibility to keep organized.
Can I come to Mr. Mayer's classroom anytime during the day?
No. You must have permission from an adult.
What do I do if I forget something?
Tell the teacher and be honest.
Can I sharpen my pencil in the middle of instruction?
No, you may ask, but do not just get up and sharpen.
Give an example of a consequence that a student might receive.
Call parent, lunch detention, ISS, suspended...
Can I leave anything on my desk at the end of the period?
No, unless you are donating it to the next class
How should I ask a question in class?
Raise your hand and wait to be called on by the teacher.
Do I have to keep my socks and shoes on all day?
Can I get items from closets and cabinets?
Only with adult permission.
What is your SuperPower?
Tell me what everyone's name is that is in this room. You may ask a friend for help.
Is it okay to make mistakes?
Absolutely. As long as you learn from them.
Are "fun" socks okay to wear to school?
No, the handbook has specific rules on this.
Who in this room is a Top Secret, Undercover Superhero?
Mr. Crumbles!!!!
How should you behave if there is a fire drill? Where do we go?
Quiet and wait for directions. Walk calmly to the door and head out the door to your left.
Who is responsible for your work getting signed or completed?