Rules of the Ship
Mrs. Westerhoff

During a quiz, what might it look like to be "on-task"?

Eyes on own paper, completing your quiz. When finished, doing quiet independent work and not disturbing others.


True or false: Your behavior in class affects your grade.

True! See: Participation


Opinion: Which book are you most excited about from our booklist? (Must name one of the books on the list for points)

Answers may vary. Anyone want to explain their choice?


In which situation is it okay to have a fidget in class?

If you have already been given permission by Mrs. W prior to use


Which grades/subjects does Mrs. Westerhoff teach (at this building?

6th-8th grade Language Arts & Writing


What does "staying in group" mean?

Being where you are supposed to be - usually your assigned seat.


Name at least one behavior that might cause you to lose your participation point for the day.

Answers may vary, including: being disruptive, being tardy/skipping, being unprepared with class materials.


True or false: You don't need to read the books - just watch the movie!

False... Can anyone tell me why? There are a few reasons.


What will happen to a phone and/or airpods if they are brought to class?

Mrs. W will take them and put them in the office.


Name at least one instrument Mrs. Westerhoff plays.

Guitar & piano


What is Mrs. W's clipboard for?

To record when a group breaks a rule. 


Name an assignment that might fall into the "Classwork and Homework" category.

Answers may vary.


Where may books be kept if you don't need to take them home?

Your mailbox


Scenario: Andy forgot he had a super ball in his pocket. Is it okay for him to get it out in class?

NO! That is a toy.


Before this year, how many years has Mrs. Westerhoff taught at SCS?

2 years


Why is the rule "control your noise" instead of "don't talk"?

Sometimes talking at a controlled volume is appropriate. For example, when working in a group.


Which three categories are equally influential on your grade? What percent of your grade are each?

Classwork/homework, tests/quizzes, and projects are each worth 30% of your grade


When you are done with your work for the day, which book are you required to have out?

Your silent reading book


Scenario: Rosa is halfway through a bag of goldfish crackers, which she opened during the break outside of class. Class is about to start. Can she just finish it in class real quick?

NO! Either shove the rest in your mouth before coming in or leave it in your locker, Rosa!


Mrs. Westerhoff is also the advisor for which student group?

Student Council


Scenario: Mrs. W is in the middle of teaching, but Timothy decides to get up and sharpen his pencil. How many of the rules of the ship has he broken?

All 3 - (1) The pencil sharpener is noisy and will interrupt the teacher, (2) Pencil sharpening is not on task during a lesson, and (3) He has left his seat.


Ooh, math! If you didn't do ANY homework or classwork, what is the highest grade you could possibly get in a class???

70%... which is a D+... and that's if you get 100% on everything else... SO DO YOUR HW OK???


Not in the syllabus, but maybe you know it... What happens if you damage or lose one of your books?

The school may require you to replace it. Please be kind and reponsible with your class materials!


Scenario: Margaret uses headphones to focus while she writes. She asks Mrs. W for permission. What would have to be true in order for Mrs. W to say yes?

ALL must be true: (1) This is writing work time, not learning time (2) The headphones have cords and are plugged into a Chromebook (3) The music is appropriate


What is Mrs. Westerhoff's job at the high school?

Academic Support