What are the building's 4 main expectations?
Be safe, be respectful, be responsible, be a problem solver
When I get off the bus, where do I go?
The breakfast line and then down to the classroom
On your schedule, what is the difference between blue classes and white classes?
Blue classes are outside of the classroom
Am I allowed to sit in a teacher's chair?
No, teachers only!
What is the name of our school?
Volney Elementary
stay in your seat, level 1, throw out your garbage, clean your table
Unpack/put things in locker
If you are unsure of what time something is during day, where can you look?
Your schedule in your desk
What do we use prior to leaving the classroom?
Line up saying
What resources do you have to use in your folder?
Red/green card, I need a break card, emotion scales, hulkometer
What will be the consequence if you are not completing work or being disrespectful?
Loss of lunch/recess or freetime
Am I allowed to talk, draw, read while eating breakfast?
Absolutely, at a level 1 untill it is time for Morning Meeting
How is freetime earned at the end of the day?
Completing work, keeping hands to ourselves, being respectful
Where can I go if I need a break?
Sensory room
How do we earn stars in the classroom jar?
Being complimented by an adult outside of our classroom
When putting your chromebook away, what do you need to make sure?
That it is in the correct slot and it is plugged in
What should I do when it is time for morning meeting?
Clear desk and be ready to focus
How do I know when it is my time to go to Mrs. Meeks, Ms. Mandy or speech?
Look at the services schedule on the board
Where will chromebooks go at the end of the day?
On the charger in the sensory room
What days of the week do we go to school?
Monday- Friday
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
What are the expectations about adult areas?
They are kid free- do not go into adult's things or sit in their chairs
What are pledge expectations?
Stand up, hand on heart, say pledge, hand up for Volney pledge
What is the ultimate goal of our classroom?
To get student behavior under control to push out to classes
Where is a place that you can go to take a break and plan how to get back on track?
The de-escalation/cool down room
Is this going to be a great year?