What is the most important classroom rule?
Treat others the way you want to be treated
What I need to bring in my backpack everyday?
Water bottle, pencil case, and a charged laptop.
What time should you be at school?
What is the name of our principal?
Mr. Welbeck
Where do we go after school for our parents to pick us up on RED FLAG days?
The small wooden floor gym.
What is someplace we are not to touch in this classroom?
Mr. Justin's Desk or Boards
What do I need to wear on PE days?
PE kit
Where will we usually meet in the morning before coming to class?
The tented area
Who is the assistant principal of grades 3-5?
Mr. Fran
Who do I tell if I have a problem on the playground?
Whoever is on duty
What is raise your hand?
Before you speak or get out of your chair
What is the side of the hall we walk on?
The right side
What is the time we go home?
What is the name of the Grade 4 Leader?
Mr. Bishal
Where do I find my line order?
In the hallway and classroom
What do we NOT call teachers?
Mister or Miss only. We call them Mister Mac or Mister Bishal. Use their actual name.
What is the person I see if I get in BIG trouble?
Mr. Fran or Mr. Welbeck
What are the days we have PE?
Monday and Wednesday
What is the name of the Arabic teacher?
Mrs. Maha
All black
What color are school shoes?
What is our classroom number?
What is the area that we stay out of with other people?
Personal space
What day is art class?
What is a Managebac?
Something for bad behavior.
Respectful and quiet
How do we behave in the line, in the halls, and in assemblies?