What is our classroom number?
Our classroom number is 103.
What sport did Miss.Wiley play in highschool?
Miss.Wiley played softball and track in highschool.
Where is Mrs.Leckron from?
Mrs.Leckron is from Avon Ohio
What is the name of our principal ?
Mr.Herman is our principal!
What is it important to do with our hands to limit the spread of COVID?
We need to wash our hands, sanitzie, and limit touching our faces to lower the chance of spreading COVID.
When am I allowed to take my mask off?
You are allowed to take your mask off when standing on the minion tape closes to your desk when instructed to take a "mask break".
Does Miss.Wiley like dogs or cats better?
Miss.Wiley is more of a dog person. She has two dogs; Bert and Paisley.
What is a job that Mrs.Leckron had before she was at the school?
What is the name of our assistance principle ?
Mrs.Martin is our assistance principle!
Can I take my mask off when I am not standing in the designated "mask break" zone?
Am I allowed to leave the classroom for anything besides an emergency?
No, we have to limit how much we are in the hall. You should be using the bathroom during designated bathroom times unless it is an EMERGENCY!
Is Miss.Wiley a new teacher or a returning teacher?
Miss.Wiley is a brand new teacher, so she will be learning middle school just like you!
Does Mrs.Leckron have a son or a daughter?
Mrs.Leckron has a daughter who is 16 and a junior.
How many floors are there in the school?
There are two floors in the middle school!
What side of the hall do you walk on? The side with the "x" or the side with a check mark?
The side with the check mark!
What are the first two things you should do when you get into the classroom?
First you should use hand sanitizer when coming into the classroom and then get out your SSR book and read quietly.
Does Miss.Wiley have a brother or a sister?
Yes, Miss.Wiley has a sister in seventh grade!
What sport did Mrs.Leckron do?
Mrs.Leckron ran cross country and track.
What grade does the middle school go up to?
The middle school goes up to grade 8!
How far apart is social distancing?
Six feet is considered social distancing!
Can I leave my supplies in the classroom?
Yes! You can leave your supplies in your desk for the next day. Just make sure that you have supplies when you leave Tuesday that you might need Wed.
What is Miss.Wiley's favorite animal?
What is Mrs.Leckron's favorite thing to do?
She loves to bake!
How many days a week do we go to school in person?
We go to school four days a week and do school online at home one day.
Should we share things with our classmates right now?