True or false:
Did David chew gum in class?
If you need to use the restroom what should you do?
Raise your fist and cross your pointer finger over your thumb. Put a chip on your number on the bathroom chart.
What does the librarian do?
The librarian makes sure the library is organized at the end of the day.
If your break a classroom rule, what must you do?
Move your clip down on the behavior chart.
How many grades are in our class?
2. First and second.
Tre or false: Did David's teacher tell him to keep running, yelling and pushing.
If you hear Mrs. Anderson say class class what should you say?
Say class class back the same way she said it.
When will some classroom helpers perform their job?
The last 15 minutes of the day.
Why do we have classroom rules?
To keep us safe and to make our classroom a great place to be.
How many children does Mrs. Anderson have?
Two daughters
What was David's consequence for his behavior?
He had to stay after school and clean the desk.
What do you do every morning when you come into class?
Get hand sanitizer before you sit down. Then come to your desk and get started on your morning assignment.
If I am the plant manager when should I water our plants?
On Monday.
How is good behavior rewarded?
You can visit the treasure box or we will have fun Friday as a class.
When should you return all the beginning of the year paper work?
By Friday
What was one of the class rules David broke?
Keeping his hands to himself
Raising his hand
Talking during independent time
If your pencil breaks what should you do?
Use your spare pencil. If that one breaks or you don't have a spare pencil you may switch it out for a sharpened pencil.
Will everyone in the class have a job every week?
No. We will alternate weeks. Some weeks the odd numbers will work. Other weeks the even numbers will work.
Name our classroom rules? Where can our classroom rules be found?
One the board in the front of the room.
We always, always, always, line up in _______ order?
Number order.
Give one example of one thing David did that he should have done differently?
While Mrs. Anderson is working with one group what is one reason you may interrupt her?
It must be an EMERGENCY! For example someone is hurt badly.
If there is a substitute teacher in class should everyone complete their job?
No. Everyone will be able to do their job when Mrs. Anderson returns.
How can you earn table points?
Following directions quickly.
Keeping your area clean.
Staying on task
Many more
What college did Mrs. Anderson go to?
University of Phoenix.