Britain in the 1700s
First Fleet
Life in the penal colony
Impact on Indigenous Australians

Why did convicts get transported to Australia instead of somewhere else?

Couldn't send them to America anymore after the war.


Who was the captain of the First Fleet?

Arthur Phillip


Name 2 jobs that convicts may have had to do once they reached Sydney Cove.

Brick maker, carpenter, nurse, servant, cattleman, shepherd, farmer

Record keeping, administration work (for well-educated convicts)


Name 2 diseases that the Europeans brought to Australia which killed a lot of Aboriginal people.

Any 2 of: Smallpox, measles, chickenpox, typhoid, influenza


What is a convict?

Someone who has committed a crime and was sent to jail.


What was the problem with the prisons in Britain in the 1700s?

They were too full.


What day did the First Fleet leave England?

13 May 1787


Up to how many hours did convicts work each day?

18 hours


What was it called when the Aboriginal people lost their land?



What is "transportation"?

When convicts were sentenced to move overseas because of their crime. They did this because they ran out of space in prisons and hulks.

Other than prisons, where else did convicts have to stay in Britain?

Hulks- boats that don't sail anymore, floating prisons, poor conditions


When did the First Fleet arrive at Botony Bay?

20 January 1788


What was one of the punishments if a convict misbehaved?

Whipped, sent to a distant penal colony


Give 2 adjectives to describe the conflict between the Aboriginals and the British.

Eg. frequent, violent, brutal, deadly


What is a fleet?

A group of ships travelling together. There were 11 ships in the First Fleet.


Name 4 different sentences you could get as a convict (what could happen to you)?

Prison, Hulk, Death, Transportation


Why didn't the First Fleet stay in Botony Bay? Give 2 reasons.

Soil wasn't fertile, bay was too shallow for the boats, not enough fresh water, strong trees broke the tools, rainstorms caused huts to collapse


What was wrong with the clothing convicts were given? Name 2 things.

Uncomfortable, not suitable for the weather, not suitable for the work


Why was it bad that the British brought their own flora (plants) and fauna (animals)?

They took over the most fertile areas, many native Australian plants and animals went extinct.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people relied on native resources for food and traditional purposes (eg. medicine) and now didn't have it.


What is a colony?

A group of people living together in a foreign place (a place they are not from). Colonisers sometimes took over a place.


What is the Industrial Revolution? Why did it cause more crime?

Machines took over people's jobs, they couldn't earn money for food or shelter, they moved to London for more job opportunities but there weren't any, they were forced to steal to survive


How many ships were in the First Fleet?

Name 5 of them.


HMS Sirius, HMS Supply, Golden Grove, Fishburn, Borrowdale, Alexander, Charlotte, Friendship, Lady Penrhyn, Prince of Wales, Scarborough


What did a convict get for showing good behaviour?

Ticket of Leave or Certificate of Freedom.


What was one of the cultural identity elements that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lost when the British came?

Lost spiritual connection with the land.

Traditional education through songs, dance, art and storytelling.


What is a hulk?

A floating prison. An old wooden ship (that no longer sails). It was used to house convicts when prisons were too full.