Renaissance Academy
Room 72
8th Grade
Mrs. Sarmiento

What is the new school-wide policy related to technology?

No using phones and no wireless earbuds at school


What should you do if your shoes are wet or dirty when you arrive to class?

Wipe your feet on the rugs when you enter the classroom


What is your PE teacher's name this year?

Mr. Rodriguez

Where did Mrs. Sarmiento go to college?

San Jose State University (SJSU)


The lowest possible score AND the highest possible score you can get for a standard on an assignment/quiz/test/project

Scores range from 5 to 10

Are you able to use ANY USB-C charger cable for your Chromebook?

No. You should only use the Chromebook charger that has been assigned to you. Using another charger might damage your Chromebook.


What do you do if you brought a non-water drink in class?

Leave it by the sink at the beginning of class and take it at the end of class

How should you be lined up for every class period?

Standing in two lines, in alphabetical order, facing forward, ready to listen


Does Mrs. Sarmiento have any pets?

Yes, two cats named Saint and Natasha


When will Homework Center be for Math class?

During Lunchtime, days still TBD


When should you use the restroom at school?

Before school, brunch, lunch, and after school


What do you do if you need/want to borrow a stress ball, pencil, glue sticks, or anything else in the back of the room?

Just ask Mrs. Sarmiento!


What is the name of your Science teacher this year?

Ms. Nguyen


What should you say to Mrs. Sarmiento when she greets you at the door every day?

Hi, hello, good morning, good afternoon, anything but please don't ignore me!!!


Are quiz and test grades final in Math class?

No, you can always re-take or make them up by talking to Mrs. Sarmiento


What is the name of the group of students who will help with Chromebook issues and also work with rovers and other technology?

Tech Squad


What are you able to use the back shelves for, starting next week?

Leaving your Math notebook so that you don't have to carry it or take it home


What percentage should your Chromebook be at in the morning to be considered ready at the start of the day?

AT LEAST 80% (preferably 100%)


On the first day of school, what did Mrs. Sarmiento write on her name tent for her favorite weather?

Sprinkling with the sun out!


What happens if Mrs. Sarmiento catches you or suspects that you are cheating on a quiz/test?

She takes it away, immediately gives you a 5/10, will eventually talk to your adult about it


What are the names of our two school custodians?

Ms. Agustina and Ms. Luz


What are 3 things that you can request from Mrs. Sarmiento if you are having a rough day?

Possible answers: let her know you're having a bad day, ask to sit at the back table or with a friend, ask to step outside for a break, borrow a stress ball/fidget, ask to talk, make art, do a reflection sheet, etc


What are 2 websites/apps that you should check regularly (weekly, or maybe even daily) to stay on track?

Google Classroom and Home Access Center


What 2 sports did Mrs. Sarmiento play when she was in middle school?

Volleyball and basketball


What are all 3 of Mrs. Sarmiento's main expectations for Math class?

Always try your best, Ask for help, and Keep a safe learning environment (It's okay to make mistakes)