The name of the Main Character
What is Santiago
The current elected representative of our riding called Skeena Bulkley Valley
What is Taylor Bacharach
What is the name of the Sock Monkey?
What is Melvin the Monkey
The virus spreads through droplets from our mouths, so we are asked to wear one of these
What is a mask
Where is Santiago, the main character, from?
What is Spain
Skeena Bulkley Valley is the name of ours
What is Riding
What are the first four characters of the password that we use to sign in to the computers?
What is P@ss
When at school, how often should I wash my hands?
What is when I enter and exit the room and before and after I eat
Where does the boy in Santiago's dream tell him that he would find a treasure?
Election Day 2021 will be held on which date?
What is Monday September 20
List three words that were on this weeks word search/definition den?
Any 3 of
Hand Sanitizer is a substitute for hand washing
True or False
What is False
what is the word for the tool that this shepherd is using?
What is a Crook
How many candidates are there in our riding of Skeena Bukley Valley?
What is 6
Jaxon and Song went to the oldest rock in the world and ate a Beaver Tail. What is the name of that Rock?
What is the Canadian Shield
Proper hand washing takes time... How long should we wash our hands for?
What is at least 20 seconds
What is it that the book tells us that makes life interesting?
What is the belief that your dreams will come true
Liberal, NDP, Green, Conservative, Peoples Party, Christian Heritage Party
Where is Melvin the Monkey right now?
What is...?
What is the full official name of COVID 19?
What is Coronavirus Disease 2019