Community Engagement
Career Development
Support Resources
Community Building

This center is located in the Union and you can go to find community engagement/service opportunities.

Answer: Bennion Center


University of Utah website/database you can go to find student organization to get involved on campus.

Answer: Campus Connect

you can find student organizations created by student or within offices.


This center is located in the Student Services Building (SSB) and provides tools and resources to explore careers, find jobs, enhance resume, etc.

Answer: Career & Professional Development Center


This resource provides non-perishable, nourishing food and hygiene kits for U of U students, their families, faculty and staff.

Answer: Feed U Pantry


Multi-year cohort program at the University of Utah for first-generation students.

Answer: First Gen Scholars


The Bennion Center offers drop-in service projects called Service Corner. True or False

Answer: True - One-time service projects you can pick up to do on your own, anywhere or anytime you are able to give in support of others in your community. Located inside the new Kahlert Village at the U. You can also do Service Corner Nights that you can register to attend.


You need to be elected by the U students to get involved in ASUU. True or False

Answer: False - You can apply to positions such as Chief of Staff, Board Directors and Supreme Court Justice, and Associate Directors. There are lots of boards e.g. Campus Events Board, Academic Affairs Board, Diversity Board, etc. You can also volunteer on a board.


The U has a Major Exploration Program which has a quick look majors, minors, & certificates. True of False

Answer: True

There are also major expos to explore majors, minors, and certificate.


This center provides education, guidance and counseling in matters of personal finance.

Answer: Financial Wellness Center


The MUSE Project (My "U" Signature Experience) puts on a series of events throughout the year that are designed to connect students with other students, professors, community leaders, and distinguished national guests. True or False

Answer: True - cool keynote speakers, mentoring, MUSE casual Friday (FREE breakfast food)


Share 3 unique facts of the Alternative Breaks Program (You have 30 sec to consult with your family via group me).

AB students, faculty, and staff in Justice work and experiential learning over school breaks. Student led.

During this past year was free 1 day and 2-day community engagement

You need to apply. They have lots of different topics such as Housing Justice, Hunger & Food Justice, Identity & Environmental Exploration (exclusively for First gen students), Immigration, Indigeneity, Marine Conservation, Queering Justice, Community Health, HIV & AIDS, Refugee Rights & Resettlement, etc. They have scholarship opportunities.


Share 3 unique facts of the Union Programming Council. (You have 30 sec to consult with your family via group me)

On-campus events and resources organization that aims to better connect the University of Utah student body. Some of UPC’s most recognized events are Crimson Nights, Welcome Week, Oktoberfest, Family Springfest, and more! UPC also oversees the Feed U Food Pantry and the Freshman Ambassador Board. Positions within UPC are also compensated. There are 3 main types of positions within the Union Programming Council. Executive director, director, and associate director. UPC has boards such as Crimson Nights Board, Freshman Ambassador Board, Feed U Pantry Board, etc.


Within your professional history, name three important elements to highlight in your resume (You have 30 sec to consult with your family via group me). If you need help check out the career guide in the Career Center Website.  

Answer: Education; Experience; Skills; Course Work; Certificates; Leadership; Community Engagement; Duties and responsibilities from past jobs; dates of employment; name of employers; Accomplishments


Share 3 unique facts about what the Basic Needs Collective (You have 30 sec to consult with your family via group me).

Answer: a central location for resources related to food security, affordable housing, health insurance, managing finances, legal services, and mental health, etc.


Share 3 unique facts about CESA (You have 30 sec to consult with your family via group me).

The Center for Ethnic Student Affairs (CESA) is committed to providing programming that assists students in navigating cultural, economic, social, and institutional barriers in order to achieve academic excellence. To ensure the success of our students, we provide resources and academic advising in admissions, registration, financial aid/scholarships, student involvement, and leadership opportunities. CESA has tutors and counselors. 

First Year Diversity Scholars; Second Year Experience; Leaders of Resilience, Diversity and Excellence (LORDE) Scholars; Transfer Scholars; High School Conferences; Asian American Student Association (AASA); Black Student Union (BSU); Crimson Transfer Honor Society Inter-Tribal Student Association (ITSA); Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A.); Pacific Islanders Student Association (PISA) Queer & Trans Students of Color (QTSOC); SOMOS Dreamers; Vietnamese American Student Association


Name 4 facts about the Community Engagement Certificate that the Bennion Center (You have 45 sec to consult with your family via group me).

Provides opportunity for students to build their civic agency and develop interpersonal, leadership, and advocacy skills. Students in the program will complete a community-based capstone project. Requires the completion of 21 credit hours with a minimum of 15 credit hours in designated community engaged learning (CEL) courses. It is open to all undergraduates at the U regardless of major.


Name 4 facts about what the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) offers (You have 45 sec to consult with your family via group me).

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Database, UROP, SPUR, Undergraduate Research Symposium, Travel & Small Grants


Name 4 facts about what the Hinckley Institute offers (You have 45 sec to consult with your family via group me).

You can do internships in the local, national, and global levels. All majors are welcome. legislature, campaign, or you can create your own internship. Hinckley offers scholarships and loans. Many scholarships you don’t have to have Hinckley institute internship. Hinckley Journal of Politics.


Name 4 emergency funds available to students at the U (You have 1 min to consult with your family via group me). Hint:

  • U of U Emergency Fund
  • Women’s Resource Center Emergency Fund
  • LGBT Resource Center Emergency Funds
  • ASUU Emergency Loan
  • College of Science Emergency Funds
  • ISSS Emergency Funds

Name 4-5 learning communities that can be first-year, second-year, or multi-year that support students in retention and/or completion of general education, building community, or cohort model. (You have 1 min to consult with your family via group me). 

Hint: many of these learning communities have a peer advisor/mentor or student leaders.

  • Diversity Scholars
  • Second Year Experience
  • First Gen Scholars
  • LEAP
  • Block U
  • Honors College
  • Living Learning & Theme Communities
  • TRIO Student Support Services
  • Solution Scholars
  • New University Scholars
  • Leaders of Resilience, Diversity and Excellence (LORDE) Scholars; Transfer Scholars; Bennion Scholars; Bussiness Scholars; First Ascent Scholars; Humanities Scholars; First Year Experience (Bennion)

As a family, choose 1 engagement opportunity of the Bennion Center in each category to highlight to the rest of the class:

One-time| Week-long plus| Semester-based| Academic -year |Multi-year

Share with your peers about fun facts, benefits, etc. (You have 5 minutes to consult and prep with your family via a breakout session. Then, you come back to main room you will have 1-2 mins to share your findings with the whole class).

*One-time: Service Corner; First Year Experience

*Week-long plus: Alt Break; Learning Abroad

*Semester-based: Community Partnership Programs; Communication Team; CEL Courses

*Academic -year: Utah Reads & AmeriCorps; Bennion Center Student Leaders, Bennion House, Kahlert Village 

*Multi-year: Bennion Scholars; Community Engagement Certificate


As a family, discuss about the Leadership Studies Minor. What are the requirements for the Leadership Studies Minor? What cool fun facts you found about the Leadership Studies Minor? Lastly, what the Student Leadership & Involvement provides for students at the U? Share with your peers about fun facts, benefits, etc.

(You have 5 minutes to consult and prep with your family via a breakout session. Then, you come back to main room you will have 1-2 mins to share your findings with the whole class). Hint:

The minor in Leadership Studies utilizes expertise and courses throughout the university community in an effort to provide students with a variety of opportunities to explore leadership philosophies, theories, case examples, and practices. 19 credits (describing the courses needed). Open to all majors. 

Student Leadership & Involvement provides many leadership opportunities at the University of Utah. Our student leadership programs include ASUU (student government), the Organization Resource Group (ORG), 600 Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs), the Involvement Ambassadors, and ULEAD Leadership programs.


Write 1-2 strong bullet point about your participation in the First Gen Scholars Program to add in your resume. Utilize the formula for creating strong bullet points. Focus on results rather than responsibilities. (You have 1 minutes to consult with your group via group me/Zoom chat).

Hint: Formula: Action Verb + Details/What + Outcome/Why/Impact. If you need help check out the career guide in the Career Center Website.  

BEACON Program/First Gen Scholars Aug 2014 – Apr 2015


• Mentored a first-generation college student to navigate different resources and get involved with on-campus activities.

• Facilitated the creation of a mentorship project with my mentee to tutor refugee students in Math, English, and Science in the Hser Moo Center.


Share 4-5 centers/resources at the U that provide resources regarding counseling, mindfulness, and wellness. What cool fun facts you found? (You have 1 minute to consult with your group via group me/Zoom chat)

  • University Counseling Center
  • Women’s Resource Center
  • Mindfulness Center
  • CESA
  • Center for Student Wellness
  • Business School

Share 4-5 resource centers at the U that provide space for students to promote and explore an intersectional identity that are historically minoritized in higher education. These resource centers also provide space for support, build community, and advocacy. What cool fun facts you found?(You have 1 minute to consult with your group via group me/Zoom chat)

American Indian Resource Center; Black Cultural Center; Center for Ethnic Student Affairs (CESA); Dream Center; LGBT Resource Center; New Leadership Academy Fellows Program; Office for Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; and Office for Inclusive Excellence.