Ritzman School
Animals & their habitats
Subjects you learned in first grade
nouns, verbs & adjectives
Ending punctuation marks

She is the art teacher at Ritzman.

Who is Mrs. Knopp


This is a type of large mammal that lives in the ocean. Sometimes these animals are called Orcas. 

What is a whale?


In this subject we use numbers. We add them and subtract them. We also found out how to use numbers to tell about telling time and money. Some tools we learned to use were number lines, ten frames, counters, pictures (models) and tables in this subject.

What is math?


This word names a certain part of speech. Dogs

What are nouns?


The ending punctuation mark is missing in this sentence. "Do you have a big beach ball"

What is a question mark?


She is the secretary in the office at Ritzman.

Who is Mrs. Price


This is an animal that lives in the jungle. They can be very large. They like to eat bananas. They also like to pound their chests.

What is a gorilla?


In this subject we learned how to make a rough draft, then edit and revise our work. Lastly we were able to publish it when ready. We also discussed our checklist of things to look for in our work in this subject.

What is writing?


This word names a certain part of speech. Scream

What is a verb?


The ending punctuation mark is missing in this sentence. "I see a large group of kids at school"

What is a period?


He is the gym teacher at Ritzman.

Who is Mr. Canavan.


This animal lives in the Savanna. It is very large in size when full grown. They also have very big ears, and are gray in color.

What is an elephant?


In this subject we discussed genres. Two of the main ones we talked about were fiction and non fiction. We also learned about analyzing characters, finding the main idea, summarizing, making inferences, making connections, drawing conclusions, cause & effect and compare & contrast in this subject.

What is reading?


This word names a certain part of speech. Big

What is an adjective?


The ending punctuation mark is missing in this sentence. "Watch out, there is a fast car coming down the street"

What is an exclamation point?


She is the best principal in all of Akron Public Schools.

Who is the principal at Ritzman: Mrs. McIntosh


This large mammal lives in the arctic. It does like to swim and playing on the ice. It is covered with lots of white fur.

What is a polar bear?


In this subject we learned about goods & services as well as needs and wants. We also discussed other things like rules at school, laws in the community, what types of communities we see around the world.

What is Social Studies?


These types of words are different people, places, things or animals.

What is a noun?


The ending punctuation mark is missing in this sentence. "Can I have more cake please"

What is a question mark?


She is your favorite first grade teacher.

Who is Mrs. Meyer.

This animal lives in the desert. It is a type of reptile. Some can grow to be very large. They move very slowly also. We saw one at the Akron Zoo.

What is a tortoise?


When discussing this subject we talked about things like, forces of motion: push & pull; living & non-living, properties of matter: liquid, solid, gas; basic needs of plants & animals; seasons & weather. With this subject we are able to do really cool experiments. We even had a special COSI event take place at Ritzman that was all about topics in this subject. 

What is Science?


This type of word describes the noun in the sentence.

What is an adjective?


The ending punctuation mark is missing in this sentence. "There is a tornado coming right now"

What is an exclamation point?