What is 19.
What do we call the person that writes the words in a story?
What is an Author.
What are the five senses?
What is sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.
What city and state are we in right now.
What is San Bernardino, California.
Can you correct this sentence....
i like TO go to the pool?
What is...
I like to go to the pool.
Skip count by 2's to 20.
What is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20.
What does an illustrator do?
What is draws the pictures, paint pictures, or take pictures.
Name 4 non livings things.
What is a table, chair, pencil, rock, flag etc.
How many seasons do we have?
Can you name them?
What is 4.
What is winter, spring, summer and fall... or autumn.
Can you correct this sentence....
my Name is katie
What is...
My name is Katie.
Skip count by 10's to 100.
What is 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.
When do we use a capital letter?
What is in the beginning of a sentence, for peoples names, places, months, days of the week (proper nouns).
What are the 3 types of matter?
What is solid, liquid, gas.
Can you name 5 careers a good citizen can have?
What is a firefighter, police officer, teacher, principal, crossing guard, store worker etc.
What are the 3 types of ending punctuation?
What is..
! exclamation mark . period ? question mark
How much is 3 dimes, 2 nickels, and 4 pennies?
What is 44 cents.
How many syllables are in the word Hippopotamus?
How many syllables are in the word Kindness?
What is 5 syllables, 2 syllables.
Give an example of a solid, liquid, and a gas
What is a table, chair, rock, wall etc.
What is water, juice, soup, coffee etc.
What is oxygen, smoke, steam etc.
Why do people work?
To make money, provide for themselves, pay to live
Why would you use an exclamation mark?
What is to show emotions or feelings.
Example: mad, happy, excited, scared, etc.
How much is a Penny worth?
How much is a Nickel worth?
How much is a Dime worth?
How much is a Quarter worth?
What is 1 cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, 25 cents.
What is the story we are reading this week? What is it about? Who are the characters and what is the setting?
What is Thomas Edison the Inventor.
What is it is a Biography- A story of his life.
What is Thomas Edison-main character, Nancy his mother, Sam his father and the little girl who ate the worms.
How many stages are in the life cycle of a butterfly?
Can you name the stages?
What is 4 stages.
What is egg, larvae, chrysalis or pupa, adult butterfly.
Can you name two American Symbols?
What is the American Flag, Washington Monument, Bald Eagle, Mount Rushmore, Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty etc.
Can you name the noun, verb, adjective and prepositional phrase in this sentence?
The furry cat is sleeping beside the couch.
What is...
Noun- cat, Verb- sleeping, Adjective- furry,
Prepositional phrase- beside the couch.