Whose nose was a button?
Who is Rudolph.
How does Santa get into your house.
What is a chimney.
The leader of Santa's sleigh.
Who is Rudolph.
Mrs. Claus is pretty. ____ is pretty.
What is SHE.
The noun that pulls santa's sleigh.
What are reindeer.
What peppermint candy is popular during Christmas time?
What is a candy cane
Which little girl catches the grinch stealing?
Who is Cindy Lou.
I sit on shelves and I am one of santa's helpers.
Who is an elf.
The reindeer ran. ____ ran.
What is IT
The adjective that describes color of santa's belt.
What is black.
How many times does Santa say “Ho”?
What is 3.
What day is Christmas on?
What is December 25th.
I tried to steal Christmas (think green).
Who is The grinch.
Hansel and Gretel are going. ____ are going.
What is THEY.
The two main colors in Christmas that describes a noun
What are red and green.
Where does the Polar Express take children: North or South Pole?
What is a North pole.
What form of transport does santa use to carry presents.
What is a sleigh.
I am jolly.
Who is Santa Claus.
Santa Claus is silly. _____ is silly.
What is HE.
How many days of Christmas are in the song.
What is 12?
What Christmas greenery do you kiss underneath?
What is mistletoe.
What snack is left by the fireplace for Santa.
What are cookies and milk.
I am a cookie that ran away and people make edible houses out of me.
Who is The gingerbread man.
Did you go with the elves? Did you go with ____.
What is THEM.
What is the adjective that describes the bell. A famous Christmas song.
What is Jingle bells