What is the difference between a fiction and non-fiction story?
A fiction story is made up and a non-fiction story gives us real information.
When you retell a story, you have to start at the ----------?
Name a word that has the short A sound
1. that
2. cap
3. ram
Name 3 people who work in our school.
Example: Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Amanda, Ms. Shannon
Name a first-grade teacher.
Mrs. Mason
What does an author do?
Writes the story
Every sentence must start with a?
Capital letter
Name the vowels
a, e, i, o, u
What are the names of our nurses?
Ms. Amanda and Ms. Jenn
Name 3 holidays.
New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, etc.
What does an illustrator do?
Draws the pictures in the book.
What is a noun? Give an example
A person, place or thing.
Name 5 consonants
Example: b, d, f, w, t
What month is Groundhog Day celebrated in?
What state do we live in?
Animals and people can be characters in what type of story?
What is the setting in a story?
The place where the story is happening.
What does Mommy "E" say to her kids?
Say your name!
Name one person who keeps our school clean.
Miss Dianne, Mr. Scott or Mr. Cole
Name the 4 seasons
Winter, spring, summer, and fall
What type of book would you read if you want real information and facts?
What is the Secret Story for "TH"
They always stick their tongues out when they are together.
What are 2 words that rhyme with "all"?
1. mall
2. hall
What special day is next Friday?
Valentine's Day
What is our principal's name?
Mrs. Swanson