Numbers and Units
Projectile Motion
If the number you should get is 10.95 m and you measure three times and record 8.996 m, 8.992 m, and 8.995 m, this is how someone would describe your data.
What is precise but not accurate?
If an object is dropped or rolls off a cliff, this is the value that would be used for acceleration.
What is 9.80 meters per second squared?
A quantity such as speed, time and temperature that does not have direction is called a ________.
What is a scalar quantity?
This is the vertical acceleration of a bullet shot from a gun.
What is 9.80 meters per second squared?
When an object is thrown up into the air, this is the velocity of the object at its height and this is its acceleration at its height.
What is 0 m/s and 9.80 meters per second squared?
These are the base units for time, mass and length.
What are seconds, kilograms and meters?
If an object is dropped or rolls off of a cliff, this is the value that would be used for initial velocity.
What is 0 m/s?
If you are adding vectors to each other, this is the way in which they need to be drawn in order to be added correctly.
What is "head to tail" or "tip to tail"?
A baseball thrown with a speed of 25 m/s has this as its horizontal acceleration.
What is 0 m/s/s?
Given a right triangle and two sides of that triangle, this is the formula that can be used to solve for the third side.
What is the Pythagorean Theorem?
This can be described as the change in y divided by the change in x.
What is slope?
An object that is thrown up in the air is accelerated at_________ on the way up and ___________ on the way down?
What is 9.80 meters per second squared both on the way up and on the way down?
This is the difference between a quantity that is a vector quantity and one that is a scalar quantity.
What is a vector quantity has a direction?
If a projectile is thrown at an angle of 35 degrees with a speed of 120 m/s, this is the horizontal velocity.
What is 98 m/s?
Given an angle of a right triangle and the adjacent side, this is the formula you would use to solve for the hypotenuse.
What is cosine of the angle =adjacent divided by hypotenuse?
Given the units m/s and a direction, this is the value you have been provided.
What is velocity?
An object that is thrown up into the air with an initial velocity of 98 m/s will take this amount of time to reach a velocity of zero.
What is 10 seconds?
A plane flies at 240 km/hr and a wind travels at 70 km/hr. These are the two possible resultant velocities of the plane.
What are 310 km/hr (wind and plane in same direction) and 170 km/hr (wind and plane in opposite direction)?
When given a resultant these right triangle formulas can be used to solve for the x component and y component.
What is cosine = adjacent divided by hypotenuse (x component) and sine = opposite divided by hypotenuse (y component)?
An object that weighs 550 kg is dropped and takes 23 seconds to hit the ground. Neglecting air resistance, this is the time it would take an object 225 kg dropped from the same height to hit the ground.
What is 23 seconds? (both accelerated at 9.80 meters per second squared)
The area under a velocity-time graph would give you this information.
What is displacement?
If an object is thrown up into the air and takes 15 seconds to reach a velocity of 0 m/s, this is the total time the object will be in the air before hitting the ground.
What is 30 seconds? (15 seconds up and 15 seconds down)
This is Sam's displacement if he walks 34 m to the west and then 14 m north.
What is 37 m at 22 degrees North of West or 37 m 158 degrees?
This is the type of motion that describes an object being acted on by gravity and the object itself is called this.
What is free fall and projectile?
Given that a projectile takes 45.0 seconds to hit the ground and has an initial velocity of 3.00 m/s, this would be the distance traveled by the projectile horizontally.
What is 135 m?