Out of My Mind
Patterns of Earth and Sky
Math Module 1

According to the book, Melody Brooks is almost ___years old.

She is almost 11 years old.

In what part of the world was the artifact discovered?

It was found in China.


Using your Place Value template: write the number that I will tell you.

Teacher Check


True of False?

A newspaper article is an example of a Personal Narrative.


The story may be true, but it is not in 1st person and the author of the article was not likely part of the events.


Why was Dr. Hugely testing Melody in chapter 4?

Melody was at an age where she could apply for school.  She needed to be tested.


Vocabulary: Sometimes, scientists use _____ to help them answer questions about the real world.

a. stars

b. astronomers

c. models

C. models

Like: scale models, globes, maps


What is the product of 10 to the third power?



Parts of Speech: astronomer is which part of speech?

a. noun

b. verb

c. adjective

d. adverb

An astronomer is a person so therefore, it is a noun.


When Melody was very young, her parents had their own unique ways of interacting/communicating with her.  Share one of those differences.

Ex: Mom speaks baby talk while dad speaks like and adult to Melody.

Mom is overprotective of Melody while dad allows her a little more freedom.


Which of these people does the museum need help from to explain the missing piece of the artifact?

a. archaeologist

b. astronomer

c. astronaut

B. astronomer



3.45 x 10 to the fourth power.

3.45 x (10x10x10x10)

3.45 x 10,000= 34,500


What are the 3 characteristics of a Personal Narrative?

1. True story

2. Written in 1st person

3. The author was involved in the events.


Describe what happens when Melody has a Tornado Explosion.

Melody's body and limbs become stiff.  She loses control, kicks her legs, and her arms knock things over.


During the investigation about the Square of Pegasus, what did the students holding the ping pong balls help us to better understand? Be specific.

Stars are not all the same distance from Earth.

From far away, they appear close together or in a shape, but in reality, it depends on your view point and distance.


Using your Place Value template:What is 12.36 divided by 10 to the 2nd power?





In the CKLA excerpt: The First Real Sans Giving Day, What was a young Richard Blanco worried about doing with his family?

Richard Blanco wanted an American-style Thanksgiving since he was now living in the U.S.

He did not want his family's Cuban-style of the holidy.


Near the end of chapter 3, Melody has a Tornado Explosion while shopping with her mom.  What was the cause of the explosion?  Be specific.  There are 2 important details needed to answer this question.

Melody had seen a news report about toy blocks painted with lead, which can make kids sick.

She tried to make her mom understand, but became frustrated and her Tornado Explosion took over.


What are, at least, 2 things that the Simulator(Sky View and System View) help us understand about our solar system?

Must have 2 specific answers to gain the points.

Stars have different positions and distances

We see where in the night sky constellations are?

We can view star positions in the day time using this simulator.

We can find out when certain stars/constellations are viewable.


There are 100cm in 1 meter(m).

If you have 4.5meters, how many centimeters(cm) are there?

4.5 x 100= 450

450cm = 4.5m


Why is "The First Real Sans Giving" an example of a personal narrative?  Be specific.

It is:

a true story that is told in 1st person by the author, Richard Blanco.