Self-Administer Meds
First Aid Kits

This is needed in order for a resident to be able to self-administer their medications.

What is a Physicians Order?


When residents are assessed for falls.

What is upon admission, quarterly, and when a fall occurs?


The reason first aid supplies will not be removed from their assigned locations except for emergencies, drill exercises or the replenishment of supplies.

What is to ensure proper supplies are available in the event of an emergency.


How often self-admin residents should be assessed.

What is initial and quarterly?


List reasons why a resident may have a fall.

What is 


True or false: If I need a band aid, I can take one from the first aid kit. Explain your response.

What is false?

 Band aids are kept in the med rooms and first aid kits should only be used for emergencies.


True or False: Self-admin residents should keep there mediations out to remember to take them. Explain your answer.

What is false?

 Self-admin residents should keep their medications in a locked cabinet and keep their door locked.


How a fall is documented.

What is

-Complete incident report on incident report tab.

-Schedule follow-ups on incident tab (1 per shift x24 hours). Consider a 4th follow up if incident was prior to halfway mark of shift of occurrence.

-CareNote entry in MoveN.

-Complete and send reportable, if applicable.

-Enter an addendum in MoveN.

-Complete Fall Risk Assessment

-Complete Investigation Form

-Update assessment in MoveN with appropriate interventions.

-Monitor resident caregiver notes to ensure procedure is being followed.


True or false: If you use a first aid kit put it back where you got it from after using it. Explain your response.

What is false?

 Any first aid kit used should be brought to Bridget to restock after use.


True or False: residents may keep their pills in pill boxes. Explain your answer.

What is true?

The resident must keep their original bottles and self-test from them.


Things to be documented when a resident has a fall.

What is vital signs, witness statements, the environment, equipment involved/missing, potential factors that could have related to the fall.


Locations of the first aid kits at RVG.

What is receptionist desk, bus, 1st floor kitchen, 2nd floor activity room in cabinet next to fridge, MC med room, and the wellness office.


True or False: Self-admin residents should let the med tech or nurse on duty know of any changes to their meds to keep their med list current. Explain your answer.

What is True. 

They should do this to keep it current for auditing, assessing, and to monitor changes in them.


Three ways to prevent falls.

What is keeping residents engaged/active, making sure resident needs are met, keeping environment free from obstacles, adequate lighting, making sure residents wear proper footwear, encouraging residents to change positions slowly, encourage residents to use call bells for assistance.


Items required to be in all first aid kits as required by the state.

What is nonporous disposable gloves, antiseptic, adhesive bandages, gauze pads, thermometer, adhesive tape, scissors, breathing shield, eye coverings and tweezers?