This ancient Chinese toy was repopularized in the 80s.
What is the hacky sack?
The Great Lakes are made up of ___ bodies of water.
What is five?
Bill Murray turned down the lead role in Big (1988) in order to star in this 1988 movie instead.
What is "Scrooged"?
This rock icon was the founder of The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Long-haired Men.
Who is David Bowie?
Crowley's nickname for him is Moose.
Who is Sam?
This is the year Prince Charles & Lady Diana married.
What is 1981?
This country is made up of 7,000 islands.
What is the Philippines?
Bill Murray joined the army and had his platoon sent to Europe in this 1981 comedic film.
What is "Stripes"?
This was Madonna's first top 10 hit.
What is "Holiday"?
He has died the most. By a lot.
Who is Dean?
In “Back to the Future” (1985), this is the speed limit the DeLorean must reach to time travel.
What is 88MPH?
This is the most populated/largest city in the world.
What is Tokyo, Japan?
Bill Murray is the favorite of several directors, including Wes Anderson. This is the film Bill Murray first teamed up with Anderson as actor and director.
What is "Rushmore"?
She was the first woman to ever be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Who is Aretha Franklin?
Benny helped him escape Purgatory.
Who is Dean?
The director of the 1980 movie "The Shining".
Who is Stanley Kubrick?
Russia has __ time zones.
What is eleven?
Who is Buzz Lightyear?
Van Halen famously banned this color-specific candy in their rider.
What is brown M&M's?
His alias while working at the Gas-N-Sip was Steve.
Who is Cas?
The first woman appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1981.
Who is Sandra Day O’Connor?
___ US states share a border with Canada.
What is thirteen?
Bill Murracy accidentally broke this actor's nose during the filming of Mad Dog and Glory (1993).
Who is Robert De Niro?
These rockstars were known as "The Terror Twins".
Who are Steve Clark and Phil Collen of Def Leppard?
He said: "What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?”
Who is Sam?