Aims and ambitions

Translate Gedankenstrich, Bindestrich and Schrägstrich to English and explain it.

hyphon: The mark used to join two words together to make a new one; to show that a word has been divided between the end of one line and the beginning of the next; or to show that something is missing.

slash: The symbol used to show alternatives; to write fractions.

dash: The mark used to separate parts of a sentence often instead of a colon or in pairs instead of brackets.

(source: Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary)


Sort the following text types into two groups (non-fictional and fictional): Drama, expository, instructive, prose, descriptive and poetry

Non-fictional text: expository, instructive, descriptive

Fictional: drama, prose, poetry


What are the three M`s mentioned in Laurie Penny`s "Unspeakable Things"?

Marriage, mortage, monogamy.


Name five phrasal verbs for "when a romantic or sexual relationship ends".

split up, break up, finish with, break off with, walk out


Name twelve stylistic devices.

symbol, simile, rhetorical question, personification, metaphor, irony, hyperbole, exaggeration, euphemism, enumeration, anaphora, alliteration


Why was Charlotte Brontë`s novel "Jane Eyre" a scandal in society?

- Jane and Rochester are equals

- Jane is an independent female character -> controversial topic in the 19th century


Translate ”Thou lik`dst not that.” and “Hearken! What a flibbertigibbet and hurly-burly yonder!”

“You didn`t like that, did you?”

“Listen. What`s going on over there?”


What 5 key words are important in a character analysis?

direct/ indirect characterization, outward appearance, actions, relationship to others, thoughts


Which five words of the following are aspects of "society in balance": trust, connection, cooperation, contribution, rules, communication, balance, solidarity.

Communication, cooperation, trust, rules and solidarity.