Advancing Rhetoric
Oedipus Rex
The Rime of
the Ancient Mariner
Close Reading

Virginia Woolf's 1930 "Street Haunting" essay walks the line between _____ and _____.

What is memory and imagination?


Oedipus Rex was written by this man in 497 BC.

Who is Sophocles?


Beowulf presents a fascinating mix of these two ideals.

What are Christian values and pagan traditions?


The Rime of the Ancient Mariner was presented in final form in this year.

What is 1817?


Close reading improves a reader's ability to do these two things.

What are to understand texts and to develop one's writing?


This is the voice a writer puts forward to a reader, one in which a writer tries to create credibility for her reader -- to create the truth of experience instead of just the facts. (p. 17)

What is ethos? (p. 17)


These two concepts are seen laced throughout much Greek mythology, including Oedipus Rex.

What are Fate/Destiny and Free Will?


These are the four parts of the heroic code.

What are loyalty, fortitude, generosity, and prudence?


The Romantic Period in English literature focused on four main ideas. Give one of them.

What is:

- the emotional side of human nature

- individualism

- the beauty of the natural world

- the simplicity of common people


There are several preliminary questions to ask when close reading. Name one of them.

What is

- what is the title?

- what do you know about the topic?

- in what year was the work published?

- what background reading might you do first?

- what do you know about the author?

- has the author written other works?

- if reading a novel, does it have an introduction by the author?


These are the three main approaches to the study of rhetoric as established by Aristotle in The Rhetoric. (p. 20)

What are invention, disposition, and style? (p. 20)


The word "thespian" means this.

What is actor?

Beowulf is considered one of the oldest oral _____.

What is epic?


The Romantic Period in English literature valued _____ over _____.

What is

- sentimental, heartfelt feelings & emotional experiences over scientific and historical facts?


When reading any work, a reader must first evaluate if there is an author _____.

What is bias?


This is an internal process to invent through which the writer uses his own intellect to make certain claims. (p. 89)

What is logos? (p. 89)


These were the four main conventions of traditional Greek Theater?

What are daytime performances, minimal sets and propsall male actors, and no violence shown on stage


These are compound words that provide a vivid, often symbolic understanding of the noun they replace.

What are kennings?


The Romanic Period in English Literature sought inspiration from this other time period.

What is Middle Ages?

While reading, a reader must try to determine the author's _____.

What is purpose?


This is the conscious attempt on the part of the writer to get an audience to react in a pre-determined emotional way. (p. 181)

What is pathos? (p. 181)

These three unities were observed in traditional Greek theater. 

What are unity of time, unity of place, and unity of subject/plot?


In Beowulf, characters are typically referenced by this.

What is family role/relationship?


This type of poem is susceptible to being sung to the accompaniment of a musical instrument.

What is lyric?


Before continuing to read, a reader must make a logical mental ________ based on the facts at hand.

What is prediction?