1.early exploration/Colnonization
2.early exploration/Colnonization
3. Colnonization/presidentdents

1. Which of the following contributed to the development of representative government in the American colonies?

A. ThecolonieswereofvariedeconomicvaluetoEngland.






The distance from Britain and the size of the British Empire was an advantage
for the colonies. It was expensive to send British troops to the colonies. For
many years, the British government’s philosophy was one of “salutary neglect.” This meant that they would pass laws to regulate trade in the colonies, but they did not do much to enforce them. Eventually, in 1763, they began to enforce many of the trade restrictions and even passed new ones.

—Independence Hall Association, On The Declaration http://www.ushistory.org (accessed July 23, 20

Which British policy were the colonists violating?

 A. Stamp Act

B. Mercantilism
C. Freeenterprise 

D. IntolerableActs

B. Mercantilism


“O sinner! Consider the fearful danger you are in...The wrath of Almighty God is now undoubtedly hanging over a great part of this congregation...How can you rest one moment in such a condition?”

_____ 10. During which event would this message have been communicated? (8.25B)

A. “The Starving Time” at Jamestown, Virginia

B. Jonathan Edward’s sermon during the Great Awakening

C. Anne Hutchinson’s dissent from the Puritan church

D. The speech given by King James I to Separatists

B. Jonathan Edward’s sermon during the Great Awakening


“It is our policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world...”

_____ 2. Which of the following BEST describes Washington’s stance based on the quote above?


A. He believed strongly in creating a presidential cabinet.

B. He felt it was necessary to follow the Constitution.

C. He believed relationships with foreign countries were necessary for trade.

D. He believed the U.S. should stay neutral in its dealings with other countries.

D. He believed the U.S. should stay neutral in its dealings with other countries.


15. Which idea from Washington’s Farewell Address was incorporated in the Monroe Doctrine?


A. Discourage the creation of political parties

B. Remain neutral in foreign affairs

C. Avoid accumulation of national debt

D. Restrict the expansion of free enterprise

B. Remain neutral in foreign affairs


5. Which group of English colonists settled in Maryland in order to avoid religious persecution? 

A. Quakers

B. Puritans

C. Catholics

D. Pilgrims

C. Catholics


William Penn established the colony of Pennsylvania so that Quakers could escape religious persecution in England and America. Quakers relocated to the colonies because they believed in —

A. male supremacy and the need to  purify the Church of England

B. the authority of the Pope and the institution of slavery

C. nonviolence, religious tolerance and equality for men and women of all races

D. violence if it was used to rebel against a nunfair government

C. nonviolence, religious tolerance and equality for men and women of all races


_____ 11. Which of the following describes the New England colonies economy? (8.2B)

Select TWO correct answers.

A. Settlers grew staple crops like wheat, barley, and oats to provide for the colonies.

B. The abundance of lumber in the region allowed settlers to build and sell ships.

C. Many colonists grew indigo and shipped it back to England to use on fabrics.

D. A robust fishing industry developed due to access to the Atlantic coast.

B. The abundance of lumber in the region allowed settlers to build and sell ships.


_____ 3. Which of the following reflects how George Washington maintained national security? (8.5A)

A. He protected citizens’ first amendment rights to petition the government.

B. He encouraged the creation of political parties in the United States.

C. He worked with Congress at great lengths to pass the Embargo Act.

D. He sent out a force of 13,000 militia troops to suppress the uprising.

D. He sent out a force of 13,000 militia troops to suppress the uprising.


“I have now Sir to inform you that... your patriotism and your readiness to sacrifice... private enjoyments to preserve the liberty and promote the happiness of your Country [convinced the Congress that you would accept] this important Office to which you are called not only by the unanimous votes of the Electors, but by the voice of America.”

18. The excerpt above expresses reasons why – (8.22A)

A. George Washington was elected as the first president

B. John Marshall was appointed as chief justice

C. Alexander Hamilton was appointed Secretary of Treasury

D. Thomas Jefferson was elected leader of the Democratic-Republicans

A. George Washington was elected as the first president


These cash crops were important agricultural products of which colonial region? 

A. NewEnglandColonies
B. MiddleColonies
C. Southern Colonies

D. Unclaimedterritory

C. Southern Colonies


14. During the Colonial Era, enslaved persons in the North worked trade-related jobs whereas in the South, enslaved persons worked —

A. as crafts men on plantations

 B. in gold and silver mines
C. in cash crop production
D. as merchants in trade

C. in cash crop production


_____ 18. Americans today are guaranteed freedom of religion under the First Amendment.

Which of the following events originally paved the way for this freedom? (8.25A)

A. Jamestown created the Virginia House of Burgesses.

B. The Pilgrims escaped persecution from the King of England.

C. John Rolfe married Powhattan princess, Pocahontas.

D. The colony of Georgia was established as a haven for debtors.

B. The Pilgrims escaped persecution from the King of England.


“Congress shall have the power To make all Laws which shall be necessary andproper for the carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers...”

-U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Clause

_____ 8. The above excerpt helped Alexander Hamilton justify – (8.5B)

A. fighting the War of 1812.

B. establishing a judicial branch.

C. purchasing Louisiana territory.

D. creating a national bank.

D. creating a national bank.


20. Which president passed the act described above, thereby changing the economic

relationship between Great Britain and the United States to avoid war? (8.5E)

A. Alexander Hamilton

B. Thomas Jefferson

C. John Adams

D. Andrew Jackson

B. Thomas Jefferson


_____ 5. The primary reason for the establishment of the colony of Maryland was to – (8.23A)

A. establish a safe haven for English debtors

B. function as a buffer between English and Spanish territories

C. develop trade relations with various Native groups

D. serve as a refuge for Catholics to avoid persecution

D. serve as a refuge for Catholics to avoid persecution


18. The major economic structure of favorable balance of trade between England and its colonies during the colonial era became known as —

A. slavery
B. mercantilism
C. industrialization 

D. plantationsystem

B. mercantilism


“It is... the duty of the judicial department to say what the law is. If two laws conflict with eachother, the courts must decide on the operation of each.”

13. The above excerpt describes giving the Supreme Court the power of – (8.18A)

A. making laws

B. judicial review

C. vetoing laws

D. creating lower courts

B. judicial review


22. After the XYZ Affair, John Adams felt he was maintaining national security by – (8.5A)

A. encouraging Congress to pass the Alien Act

B. promoting trade with England and France

C. denying Cherokee Indians access to their lands

D. supporting military invasions in South America

A. encouraging Congress to pass the Alien Act


19. What was President Adams’ response to the XYZ Affair? (8.5E)

A. Declared war on France in order to put an end to the situation more quickly

B. Sent over more ambassadors in order to try to improve relations with France

C. Showed the U.S. would not be taken advantage of by refusing to pay the bribe

D. Joined forces with Great Britain’s Navy in order to start impressing French sailors

C. Showed the U.S. would not be taken advantage of by refusing to pay the bribe


“These colonies were particularly well suited for small farms, and soon

became known as the “Breadbasket.” It was here that wheat, oats, barley,

and rye were often grown. The fertile soil of the area even permitted a large

amount of grain to be exported.”

-Jarrett, Mark, et al. “Chapter 6.” Mastering the Grade 8 Social Studies TEKS, Jarrett Publishing Company, 2011, pp. 65–66

_____ 8. The quote above represents which colonial region? (8.11A)

A. Western colonies

B. New England colonies

C. Southern colonies

D. Middle colonies

D. Middle colonies


“The Slavery which now largely [exists] in the American Colonies, is another mighty evil...yet in the generality it sprang from an unwarrantable desire of gain, for amassing wealth, and in the pride of their heart of the mother country..."

-John Wesley, 1774, Thoughts upon Slavery

2. Which of the following colonial group would have agreed with the excerpt above?


A. Indentured servants

B. Colonial businessmen

C. Plantation owners

D. Quakers

D. Quakers


14. What economic issue did George Washington face when he took office? (8.5A)

A. High debt from the American Revolution

B. Implementing protective tariffs

C. Lack of manufacturing centers in the U.S.

D. Fending off the British for aiding Natives

A. High debt from the American Revolution


_____ 9. How did the War of 1812 significantly affect the United States economy? (8.13A)

A. Surge in patriotism

B. Expansion in manufacturing

C. Increase in foreign respect

D. Weakening of Native influence

B. Expansion in manufacturing


17. Which of the following describes the impacts of ruling in Marbury v. Madison? (8.18B)

Select TWO correct answers.

A. The Supreme Court had the ability to declare a law unconstitutional.

B. Congress had the power to regulate interstate commerce.

C. The power of the judicial branch was strengthened.

D. Slaves were viewed as property and had no rights.

E. Congress did not have the power to regulate interstate commerce.

A. The Supreme Court had the ability to declare a law unconstitutional.

C. The power of the judicial branch was strengthened.