What is the last thing you should do before you sit down to get started on the Do-Now?
You should make sure that you have all materials that you will need for the class that day.
What is the very last thing that we do after we finish a performance?
We stand up together and bow.
What note gets 4 beats of sound?
A whole note.
What is the name of the clef that is also known as "F" clef?
Bass Clef.
What is the part of the bow that looks like an eye?
This is called the frog.
What is the proper playing position for all string players?
You should be sitting at the edge of your chair, the back should be straight, and your fleet should be flat on the floor.
Where do you exit once you finish a performance?
You exit backstage.
What rest gets 2 beats of silence?
A half rest.
What is the name of the clef that violas read in?
Alto Clef.
Where would I find the upper bout on a string instrument?
(I will bring an instrument around and you will point to it).
This is the upper half of your instrument.
On which shoulder/side should your instrument be on? When putting your instrument on this shoulder/side, what shape should your hand been in?
(Two answers to this question)
Your instrument should be on the left shoulder/side. When putting the instrument up, your left hand should be in the shape of a C.
What is proper concert etiquette as an audience member? (3 answers)
You should make sure that your phone is off/away and you're not on it, you're actively listening to the performance, and you clap after the performance is done.
If I were to cut a dotted half note in half, what kind of note would I be?
I would be a dotted quarter note.
If you were to see this above a note, what would you call this: " V "
This is called an upbow.
What is the name of the part that holds up your string?
This is called the bridge.
Answer "True or False" for the following statement.
"When I am taking my instrument out of it's case, it is okay for me to put the case on my lap."
This is False.
What are the two roles that players take on at a concert?
They take on the role of a performer and an audience member.
What rest would be equal to one half note minus one quarter note?
One quarter rest.
If I am in treble clef, what is the name of the note that sits right about the music staff?
This is called the winding.
What was the title of our very first unit?
The unit title was "Foundation for Success: Instrument Fundamentals."
What was the title of our second unit?
Our second unit's title was "Foundations for Success: Performance Fundamentals."
Solve this math equation. You must give me both the number AND the note.
(Whole Note + Whole Note) - (Dotted Half Note + Half Note + Quarter Rest) =
Half Note or 2
What is the name of the line that can fall below or above the music stuff?
This is called a ledger line.
What is the name of the part that is located inside of the ferrule, or f-hole?
It is called the sound post.