The first note of the lowest note should be the?
What is the tonic?
Only these intervals are allowed in the middle section.
What is perfect and imperfect?
The counterpoint must end on the...
What is the tonic?
The maximum distance between the cantus firmus and the counterpoint.
What is a 10th interval?
The rough draft should contain...
What are the last 2 measures, the first measure, and the apex?
Consonance used in the beginning part.
What is perfect?
Intervals never allowed in the mid section.
What are octaves and unisons?
The counterpoint must be a unison or octave of...
What is the cantus firmus?
The preferred type of motion.
What is contrary motion?
Write starting with the second measure...
What is 2-4 measures at a time?
Note values of the first species of counterpoint.
What is whole against whole note?
Repeated voices are...
What is occasionally allowed?
The penultimate note must be...
What is the 7th and 2nd of the cantus firmus and the counterpoint so that 7th and 2nd sound together.
Never write more than...
What are 3 parallel 3rds or 3 parallel 6ths?
At least 2 ways to check for errors.
What is circle perfect intervals (write a p), mark an x between repeated notes or write r, draw slur or v between skips?
Note values of the second species of counterpoint.
What is half notes against whole notes?
The apex in counterpoint should not interfere with..
What is the cantus firmus apex?
Imperfect consonances promote...
What is horizontal melodic motion?
Parallel intervals not allowed.
What are 8ths, unisons, and 5ths?
Check for errors with ...
What is a counterpoint analyzing program?
Note values of the third species.
What is quarter notes against whole notes?
Note values of the fourth species.
What is half notes and half rests against whole notes in syncopation?
Note values of the fifth species.
What is the combination of species 1-4?
Voices should not leap in the same direction...
What is "at the same time"?
The range of the soprano, alto.
What is
mid c to high A=Soprano
F below mid c to D octave above mid d-Alto?