You shall have no other________before me
What are gods
You shalol not use the name of your Lord ____ _____
What is “ in vain”
Remember to keep holy the _______ day
What is Sabbath
Worshipping anything that ought not to be used, or using anything that is meant to be worshipped
What is idolatry
By acting as this, Jesus restored and strengthened man’s relationship with God
What is the New Adam
The sin of worshipping another god
What is idolatry
This is the primary message of the second commandment
What is to revere and respect the name of God
Aside from following His commandment, we are mimicking His actions by resting on the Sabbath Day
Who is God
The attempt to access future or secret knowledge without God
what is divination
These two Bible books hold the 10 Commandments
What are Exodus and Deuteronomy
The three theological virtues of Faith, hope, and charity relate to the first commandment in this way
What is having trust in God and acknowledging his authority.
the most common phrase that is used as a sin against this commandment
What is OMG
This is the day on which the Sabbath falls each week
What is Sunday
a thought, word, or act that makes fun of or shows contempt or hatred for God, Church and the saints, and or sacred objects
The first three commandments focus on our relationship with ___
This is the meaning of the first commandment
what is to emphasize the importance of dedicating oneself to the one true God
This sin against the second commandment involves inwardly or outwardly uttering ill against God.
what is blasphemy
to follow God’s actions as they are a model for human action; resting on the Sabbath
What is to keep Holy the sabbath
Hatred of God comes from this
What is Pride
The first three commandments fall under this part of the Great Commandment
What Is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength”
This is a way someone disregards the truths revealed by God
What is voluntary doubt
This promise invokes God’s divine truthfulness and engages the Lord’s name; braking it is a grave sin against the second commandment
what is an oath
This is the foundation and confirmation of all Christian Practices
What is the Sunday Eucharist
This book teaches and summarizes the core beliefs of Catholicism
what is the catechism
God originally gave the 10 commandments to this prophet on Mount Sinai
Who is Moses